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The team were all at the police station, in separate rooms being interrogated, while Tony was in hospital being looked after to stop the stab wound from killing him.

First off was Theo, DS Lance walked inside of the interrogation room, placing a file on the table. "Hello Theo, glad you've come to cooperate, would you like a glass of water?"

"No thank you, I've just seen my best friend's dead dismembered body so I'm not in the mood." Said Theo sarcastically.

"Alright let's get started" replied Nathaniel, turning on the tape recorder.

"Listen let's just cut to the chase, I'm here because I'm a suspect in the case of Tony Hutchinson's attempted murder in the loft nightclub, what do you want to ask me?" Asked Theo.

"Well yes, for the record of the tape I'll have to go over things again with you." Said Nate.

"So Theo, you are a suspect in the attempted murder of Tony Hutchinson, can you tell us what happened today at his wedding?" Asked DS Lance.

"I had discovered that Tony had lied to us all, he had left a member of our team to die and all of us were furious, all hell broke loose." Said Theo.

Meanwhile in the other rooms, during different times, each other suspect was being asked the same question to see if anyone would lie.

"I had enough, Tony had kissed me and I had kept it a secret but I couldn't anymore, I told Kurt." Said Diane.

"Of course when I found out I was heartbroken and angry, wouldn't you be? However, that doesn't mean I would attack Tony!" Exclaimed Kurt.

"I left the pub and went back home. Yes I had the opportunity to sneak out and go to find Tony but I didn't, he may have punched me however I would never return the favour. I'm not like that." Said Eric.

"Alright I was angry, furious even! He had punched my fiance. I left the flat to go and get a bottle of champagne, I came back straight away, I didn't even know Tony was in the loft!" Said Liam.
"How would he get in then?" Asked Nate.

"Well what do you think? He must've kicked the door open." Said Liam.

"The last time I was at the loft was when we left this morning for the wedding, I had gotten a cleaner in for it to be nice when we returned from the wedding to celebrate. They had been there before we left and it was spotless, everyone else can validate that by the way, but that was the last time I was in the loft." Said Liam.

"I left the pub to look for my girlfriend, I couldn't find her so I went back home. That's all." Said Becky.

"I wanted to find Tony and make him pay but I decided against it, I just sent and got drunk in town. I came back home later on." Said Diane.

"We will be getting in contact if we need you all again" said Nate, "you're free to go."

All the suspects exited the police station, DS Lance entering the staff room.

"Alright, so each suspect has told me their alibis, they all still have a motive though, Diane was angry about being told to lie, Becky was furious Tony kissed her girlfriend, Kurt wasn't happy Tony lied to him, Theo was annoyed Tony betrayed the team, Eric got punched by Tony, Liam wanted revenge for his fiance. We have a lot to go off of." He said.

Becky pushed past Liam while leaving, "get off of me!" Shouted Liam.

Becky grabbed him by the collar, "you need to remember who you're speaking to!"

"Hey what's going on?" Asked Theo confused.

Becky let Liam go, "nothing, it's all fine." She said, walking off.

"What just happened?" Asked Theo.

"It's alright, just a disagreement that's all." Said Liam, walking off quickly.

Theo was still concerned, wondering whether he should run back up to Liam and ask him again.

"Right, we have the loft still cordoned off, late at night tonight we should go over there and check for any clues or forensic evidence we missed, we need all the help we can get" said Nathaniel to his fellow officers.

The time was 7pm, at 9pm a team of forensics and DS Lance headed to the loft, going under the crime scene tape and entering with rubber gloves searching for any evidence they possibly missed.

"Hey!" Said Harvey, putting something he found behind the bar on the floor in a ziplock bag.

DS Lance took it off of him, inspecting the item, it was a lock of hair.

"Get this back to the lab at the police station, get the DNA from the hair and find out who this belongs to, it has to be either Tony's or his attack, since Mr Donovan said the place had been cleaned that very morning so it was spotless." Said DS Lance.

Harvey returned to the police station, taking the hair to the lab and inspecting it for DNA to trace whoever it belonged to.

The Next Day.

It was 6am in the morning, Becky wasn't woken by her alarm but a knock at the door, "oh for god sakes" she said to herself, walking to the flat door.

There stood DS Lance, "Becky Quentin?" He asked.

"Yes? Are you looking for my girlfriend Diane? She's in bed, want me to get her?" Asked Becky.

"No actually. We're here for you. Becky Quentin I am arresting you on suspicion for the attempted murder of Tony Hutchinson." Said Nate, cuffing Becky and leading her out of the flat, soon taking her to his car and shoving her in the back.

The hair had matched, they knew who's DNA it was! Becky.

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