Becky's Games

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The team awoke, sitting on chairs at the table in the lodge kitchen, "where are we?" Asked Liam.

Becky walked into the kitchen, "you're right where you need to be."

"YOU!" Shouted Theo, going to get up from his chair.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" said Becky, pulling out a pistol and aiming it at Theo.

"Now sit down" she said emotionlessly, Theo complying to not get shot, he stared at James's ashes, sitting in the middle of the table.

"Time to have some fun. In front of you all, are five glasses of wine. One of them is poisoned, but you won't know which one until you drink it. You can switch them if you want, but either way, one of you is going to die." Smiled Becky.

"You're sick. You really do need help Becky, you're insane." Said Diane.

Becky walked over to Diane, pushing her pistol to her chin. "And you're just only realising that now?"

"Listen, just let us go. You can escape and we will leave you be" pleaded Kurt, wanting to save the team urgently.

"Oh but Kurt, I don't want to escape! I want to get my revenge and make you all suffer." Said Becky blankly, staring into Kurt's eyes.

"Now. All of you take your drinks. You have one minute." Said Becky, aiming her gun at all of the team.

None of the team dared to switch around the drinks, not risking giving their friend the poisoned drink, instead they all just drank the ones that sat in front of them.

"In about an hour, or less, one of you will die from the poison, whichever one of you it is, I'll be satisfied." Said Becky, chuckling.

"You know which one of us it is. Just tell us already" snapped Eric.

"Calm down Eric. Alright I'll tell you all, the one with the poisoned drink is Liam." Said Becky

Everyone gasped. Liam went pale.

"Now. Liam, your death won't be peaceful, it'll be a slow loss of oxygen and a painful one. So I am giving someone a chance to put you out of your misery and that someone is Diane." Said Becky, handing the pistol over to her.

"Now. You're going to shoot Liam in the head and stop him from suffering later on, do anything else and I'll shoot you" threatened Becky.

"Just do it Diane. Save yourself and the others" pleaded Liam, preparing to be shot.

"No. I won't." Replied Diane, turning the gun on Becky.

"What do you think you are doing? I ORDER YOU TO SHOOT LIAM SO YOU FUCKING SHOOT LIAM!" Shouted Becky furiously.

"I'll never shoot him. The only person who I'll shoot is you." Responded Diane.

"You don't want to do this," pleaded Becky.

"Oh I do though" said Diane, Shooting Becky in the chest with all three bullets.

Becky laughed hysterically, "oh Diane. Don't tell me you've never heard of blanks before? THEY'RE FAKE DUMMY!" Shouted Becky, ripping the pistol out of Diane's hand.

"You bitch!" Snapped Diane.

"I know, but I couldn't resist toying with all of you one last time. How about another game?" Before Becky could continue they all heard a loud bang at the door.

"Who the hell could that be?" Asked Becky, "you lot stay here, or else." She said, walking out of the kitchen and to the front door.

Becky pulled the door open and in through it came a figure, holding their own pistol, they headbutted Becky and dragged her by the collar into the kitchen, dropping her on the floor.

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