A Tough Decision

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The team had driven all the way to a museum, miles and miles away from Hollyoaks. All for Blackbeard's journal. "This better all be worth it" they thought to themselves.

Liam, Eric, Diane and Becky sat in one jeep, Ramsay, Peter, Kurt, Tony and Theo in the other. They all drove to the museum and finally arrived in the car park.

Diane gathered them all up, "okay people, we get in, take this goddamn journal and get out. I'm not losing anyone else since James. He was our friend and I'm not having any others die. We exit as soon as we can."

"Right, let's go." Said Theo, the team holstered their pistols and followed his lead.

Diane grabbed a bag from the boot and then caught up with the rest of them, taking the lead and guiding her fellow team members to the side of the museum.

She removed a set of rope from the bag, chucking it up to the roof and tying it around a vent. Diane climbed up with the help of the rope and reached the roof, the others following suit.

"Seriously? I'm not climbing down into a vent like some rat!" Said Liam angrily.

"Either that or we jump to our deaths through the glass roof." Spoke Diane blankly.

"Fine. Let's just get this over with, I don't want dust all over me like I'm some runt" said Theo.

He opened the vent and slid in, his teammates following suit, they crouched through the vents, and eventually got out into the security room.

Kurt disabled the CCTV and Peter grabbed the set of keys that opened all the displays in the museum, so they could grab the journal.

They left the security room but a guard spotted them, however Theo quickly headbutted him, knocking him out.

They walked down a set of stairs, and after a about twenty second walk they reached the pirates display room.

Diane led the way, they just looked around at all the displays, continuously going round and round until they were finally alone in there.

Peter took out the keys from his pocket, and opened up the display glass case, taking out the journal, Theo grabbed it from him immediately, not keen on waiting.

All of a sudden, they heard screams in the background, into the room rushed the soldiers of Michael and Chloe, assault rifles in hand.

One of them grabbed Peter, putting a pistol to his head and another grabbed Ramsay, dragging her out of the room.

Multiple of the soldiers took chase after the rest of the team, them leaving the pirates display room to escape, however Tony stayed behind, trying to save Peter.

"Take one step forward and your friend here gets a bullet in his skull." Threatened the soldier.

Tony kept his pistol aimed at the head of the soldier, not willing to give up.

"Put the gun down." Ordered the soldier.

Tony kept persistent, not following orders.

Peter began to speak, "listen. Tony, put the gun down, we can't lose you after James."

Tony began to lower his gun, but then jolted up! He went to shoot his pistol at the soldier but before he could the soldier saw him, and shot Peter in the head, his body dropping to the floor.

The soldier ran, Tony going to aid Peter, bleeding out.

"Peter. Come on. Stay with me" Tony said adamantly, before a soldier ran into the room and shoved Tony off of Peter, shooting at Tony but missing.

Tony got back up and shot the soldier immediately, killing them instantly. However, in all the time that had been wasted, Peter was bleeding further.

Now Tony had a choice to make, stay with Peter, try to save him and risk being killed by incoming soldiers, or catch back up with the team and blend in to save them and himself.

He decided to take the latter option, leaving Peter to bleed to death from his gunshot wound.

Tony found the team hiding behind a tipped over shelf as cover, he crouched at the right part, blending in as he had been there the whole time.

"Wait. Where's Ramsay and Peter?" Asked Diane confused, while the team were popping out from behind the shelf to shoot the soldiers incoming.

"No idea." Said Tony.

They all got out from cover and killed their remaining attackers, running back into the pirates display room.

"Oh my god." Said Becky, the team spotting Peter's lifeless body, gunshot wound and blood all over.

"ANOTHER ONE OF US. NO!" Shouted Theo furiously.

"If Peter's dead. Where's Ramsay then?" Asked Eric.

"She's probably dead and all" said Liam bluntly.

"Stop that!" Said Kurt angrily. "We can't think the worse."

Diane then got a video sent to her on her phone, from an annonymous number, she watched it immediately.

It was Chloe, with Ramsay, having a gun to the back of her head. "You people just don't give up do you? Well neither do we. And we've had enough of your meddling. This is a final warning to the remaining of you." She then shot the gun and Ramsay's body fell forward, dropping to the floor. The video then ended.

"THATS THREE NOW!" Shouted Theo angrily, "First James. Now Peter and Ramsay. I am done. I am going to kill them all brutally. And enjoy it." He screamed.

Meanwhile Tony thought to himself, he could've saved Peter. He could've killed the soldier taking Ramsay and saved them both immediately. Now, they were both dead, and the team had now lost three members.

Back at the Creeds mansion, Kathryn was yet again at the dinner table, and she received a call from Chloe, who was with Adam and Michael, driving back to the mansion.

"We've got good news ma'am, we didn't get the journal unfortunately but we have that certain something that can help with Project C, also heard that one of our soldiers killed that Peter. The team also saw us killing that Ramsay." Said Michael, before hanging up.

"This is pleasing. Liberty take a vehicle and head to Thomas, alert him of the help for Project C. This is so helpful for him. Also tell him to further focus on the HK." Ordered Kathryn.

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