The Aftermath

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It had been four hours since Tony was exposed at the wedding, it was now around 6pm, the team still reeling from the revelations.

Becky sat at home, washing off the tiny bit of blood that was left on her fist. She believed she had cleaned it all before when she originally returned home, however now it was all gone.

Diane stumbled through the door, "and where were you all this time?" Asked Becky.

"I went to find Tony. I couldn't." She replied.

"So you were gone for four hours?" Asked Becky annoyingly.

"I wasn't looking for him the whole time. I looked for him for about an hour and the other three, well I just got drunk in a bar in town." Said Diane. "What were you doing?"

"I went to look for you. I couldn't find you, so I've just been at home." Said Becky.

"Listen let's just try and forget today. It's been a long one." Said Diane, pouring herself a glass of wine.

"I've not forgiven you for keeping it a secret that Tony kissed you yet, but you're already hammered so may as well have another drink." Said Becky.

"Do you want one?" Asked Diane.

"Go on, I'm just going to grab my phone from me bedroom" said Becky, getting up from the couch and walking into the bedroom, she opened her bedside drawer, grabbing an item. She then also got her phone, returning to the sitting room.

Diane sat down on the couch, placing her and Becky's glass of wine on the table.

"Listen. About the Tony thing. Its not I didn't tell you because I wanted to lie to you. I did it so I wouldn't lose you, that's all." Said Diane.

"Stop. Lying." Said Becky.

"I'm sorry?" Asked Diane confused.

"I know why you hid it. You liked kissing Tony, I just know it. You only revealed it at the wedding to be dramatic." Shouted Becky angrily.

"Becky listen, you're just being paranoid" said Diane calmly.

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT I AM!" Screamed Becky, throwing her wine over Diane's face, she then threw the glass at the wall.

"Are you completely insane?" Asked Diane.

"Oh Diane. You have no idea." Said Becky, sitting back down on the couch away from Diane.

"You're acting so weird and it's a bit scary to be honest" said Diane.

"Alright. I'm sorry. You're right, I'm just being paranoid." Smiled Becky, lying about her true feelings.

Diane got up from the couch to get a broom to clean up the broken glass, giving Becky her chance, she placed the drug she had gotten from her bedroom drawer inside of Diane's wine, the same she had given Liam, all those months ago.

Soon enough Diane had cleared all the glass, sitting back down on the couch and downing her drink, this was Becky's second criminal act of the night.

Becky smiled at Diane, watching her pass out from being spiked, helpless.

She put Diane's arms around herself and took her inside their bedroom, laying her on the bed, "this is what you get for lying to me!" She shouted furiously, shutting the door and beginning to undress.

Meanwhile over at their flat, Liam and Eric sat watching a film, it was a mystery, something the pair of them loved, this specific one was a whodunit.

As the credits rolled Eric held his fiance's hand tighter, "I can't believe it was him. I mean that was a shock, but I guess it goes to show, the truth always comes out and people always get their comeuppance." He commented.

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