Airport Ambush

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For the first time, the team had to go to France, however this time they needed to.

They arrived at the airport, queuing up, soon enough they were ready to board the plane, however not everything would be smooth sailing, or smooth flying…

Gunshots echoed in the background, the team jolted around to look in shock, screams coming from the civilians who rushed away through the exit, some people being stamped on in the rush.

The enterance glass door of the airport was shot open, glass launching everywhere, in walked Michael and Chloe along with multiple groups of soldiers.

"GET ON THE PLANE GO QUICKLY!" Shouted Diane to the team, she pulled out her pistol and shot at the soldiers approaching to hold them off and give the rest of the team a chance, she then followed them into running onto the plane.

Theo stormed to the cockpit, putting a gun to the pilot's head, "time to fly to France. Unless you want to fly to heaven. GO!" He shouted angrily.

The militia along with Chloe ran to board the plane themselves, however it was too late, the plane had taken off. With the team alongside it.

Yet all was not lost for them yet. As Michael had snook on, unlike his partner.

He went to the back of the plane, hiding in the cargo, waiting to see if anyone approached him, it was too dangerous to take all of the team on alone. It would be suicide.

For the next 12 hours not much happened the team just sleeping except for Theo, and Michael planning.

Theo sat down next to the pilot, "you're fucking crazy man." Uttered the latter.

"Did I ask for your statement? I'm not a goddamned police officer so I don't think I did! Shut up!" Theo said, pushing the pistol further into the pilots head.

Tony looked out of the window, it might've been sort of peaceful on the outside but on the inside he was wrecked with guilt. He kept having the same flashback of him leaving Peter behind. "Come on Tony. You have to keep this a secret. Everything is at risk if you don't." He said in his head.

Liam meanwhile began talking with Eric, sitting at the back seats, "you noticed anything weird about toblerone lately?"

Eric looked at him annoyingly, Liam responding, "alright alright Tony, I like nicknames alright" he chuckled.

"Now that you mention it he has seemed off, maybe it's just the wedding on his mind and he's in another world about it" said Eric.

"Possibly, it just seems like there's something bigger." Replied Liam.

Becky sat with Diane, up at the top seats, discussing recent events. "Listen, I know yesterday everyone was on your back insulting you but I want you to know I will also be there for you Becky."

"Thanks Di, I think Theo was just annoyed since he's still not over James's death, he was his best friend after all. And Liam. Well he's just Liam." Laughed Becky.

"True true, listen I brought some ammunition and weapons I bought, I think we should go and put it in the cargo." Recommended Diane.

"You sit there, I'll take care of it." Smiled Becky, taking the two bags of weapon and ammo from her partner and leaving her seat, heading to the cargo bay.

Michael heard footsteps coming, he loaded his pistol but then thought to himself a much better idea, taking out a fire extinguisher from the wall, he witnessed Becky entering.

She was unaware that she was not the only presence in there and placed the bags into a big box, Becky went to leave the cargo bay but Michael burst out from hiding, smashing the fire extinguisher across her head and knocking her out cold.

Eric heard the loud noise, something falling to the floor. "Did you hear that?" He asked his fiance.

"Yeah, I'm sure it's nothing." Said Liam calmly.

Diane rose from her seat, "it came from the cargo bay. Becky's in there!" She then sprinted out of her seat to check on her, the rest of the team following her, excluding Theo who of course was still threatening to put a bullet in the pilots head.

The team walked inside the cargo bay, guns unholstered. They saw Becky's unconscious body in the arms of Michael who was pointing a pistol at them, wearing a parachute, "bon voyage." He said menacingly, before pulling out a grenade and chucking it at them.

The team ran out immediately, heading to the farthest place, the cockpit.

Michael opened the cargo bay doors quickly, jumping out with Becky still in hand, smiling, they were now in France.


"Listen we need to get off immediately before we all-" before Kurt could continue they heard the grenade explode, the plane's wings being destroyed and directly headed for the ground. A forest.

"Sorry mate" said Theo, shooting the pilot in the head, the rest of the team then ran into the cargo bay, sticking on parachutes and jumping out, they witnessed the plane crash and blow up, igniting the forest.

They were now almost next to the château, the forest on fire. What to do first, save Becky? Or investigate the château?

Michael had reached a meetup with Adam who along with him had multiple vehicles and militia, Chloe had returned to the creed's mansion.

"We go to the château and murder them yes?" Asked Adam.

"Maybe. First I want to have some fun with their friend Quentin." Said Michael.

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