A Smooth Operation

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The team pulled up outside of the hangar, which was on a small airfield, "so, what's the plan again?" Asked Diane.

"Hangar is owned by a douchebag multi millionaire, ever since he bought it he's been showing off the fact he has a big private plane, bit of security but we can handle it, apparently he's visiting today also" said Liam.

"There's guns in the boot, aren't there? I'll go and get them now" said Theo.

"Wait. I wanna wait until the man and his private pilot are here, then we can take them and make them fly the plane." Replied Liam.

The team sat there for about fifteen minutes, spotting a car drive into the airfield and park outside of the hangar. Out of the armored jeep jumped two men, one of them the millionaire and the other the pilot.

"Wait one second." Said Liam, the pilot and owner entered the hangar, beginning to fly out of it.

"Let's go now" continued Liam, the team got out of the jeep and opened the boot, grabbing guns and then rushed onto the airfield, immediately firing at the security guards.

Theo unleashed a load of bullets from his machine gun onto about five guards, while Eric shot two guards in the head at the same time with his dual pistols, Diane shot at both knees of a guard and weakened her to the ground, finishing them off with a kick to the head.

"That's it, we've taken care of the security, now let's get on that plane" ordered Diane.

The team ran to the plane, which was beginning to take off and escape in terror, managing to get inside and run to the cockpit.

The pilot was trying to frantically launch the plane in the air, the owner sitting next to them.

"Don't even think of moving, continue flying" ordered Theo.

"We won't hurt you, just comply" said Kurt.

"Listen, let us both go, there's an autopilot setting, wherever you want it to go just set it, please let us free" begged the owner.

"Oh just shut up" said Liam, slamming a pistol across the face of the owner and knocking him out.

Theo dragged the owner out to the door and kicked them down to the ground, they hadn't taken off yet so it would be fine, the pilot jumping out safely, both of them remaining alive.

Eric closed the door and Diane took out the map, entering the coordinates on the plane navigation and setting the autopilot to travel there, they set off into the air. Prepared to finally find the treasure.

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