Will He Wake Up?

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Nate led Becky out of the police car, taking her inside of the station and into an interview room, she sat down at the table, he sat opposite.

"Interview started 6:10AM, present is myself DS Lance and Becky Quentin, suspect was arrested on suspicion of the attempted murder of Tony Hutchinson, Mr Hutchinson still remains fighting for his life however in hospital currently at the time this interview is being recorded." Said Nate.

"Why am I here in the first place? You haven't told me anything?" Asked Becky.

"Miss Quentin, while forensics were searching the scene of the attack on Mr Hutchinson, they found a hair behind the bar, it was a match for your DNA. We know it was recent because Mr Donovan had the loft cleaned on the morning of the attack, so do not lie to me." Said Nate.

"I would have no reason to lie to you. I am innocent." Replied Becky smugly.

"Can you tell us how your hair was at the crime scene then? Explain yourself" demanded DS Lance.

"I have no idea to be honest with you officer, truly" said Becky.

"You told me that your alibi was that you left the pub to search for your girlfriend, Diane O'Connor" stated Nathaniel.

"Yes, your point is?" Asked Becky.

"You couldn't find her, so you went back home, is that right?" Asked DS Lance.

"Yes it is, how does this matter?" Asked Becky.

"Well if you are telling the truth, how did your hair end up at the crime scene of a brutal attack?" Asked DS Lance.

Meanwhile in hospital Tony had been put into a coma, to increase his chance of survival, Kurt walked inside his room, sitting down on a chair next to him.

"Oh Tony, it didn't have to be this way. You pushed me to it though, I had enough. It was the right decision." Said Kurt. "Wake up you coward! You need to face your mistakes." Said Kurt again.

Tony's finger twitched, the machine started to beep, "I think he's starting to wake up!" Kurt called out, leaving the room as multiple nurses and doctors rushed inside.

Theo walked around the love boat, trying to keep busy since he had nowhere to go and sleep.

He kept himself thinking and busy, about James, at least they knew what happened to his body but this wasn't any better than before. Theo demanded the corpses of the creed.

Back at the police station Becky continued to plead her innocence, "I have no idea how my hair ended up there. However I can promise you I was not at the loft that night, I didn't attack Tony." She said.

"Interview suspended at 6:25AM" said DS Lance. "You are still under investigation but you're free to go, don't count yourself lucky yet." He said.

Becky left the room and the police station quickly.

Back at the hospital the staff were doing everything they could, Kurt watching eagerly through the door.

A nurse came out to him, "Mr Benson, we are glad to tell you that Tony is awake and stable. You can visit him in a couple of minutes."

Kurt sighed, this was good and bad.

He walked inside of the room, sitting beside Tony.

"What happened, why am I in hospital?" Asked Tony confused, he went to hold Kurt's hand for comfort but Kurt retracted away.

"You were in the loft, you were attacked" said Kurt.

"Why? Were we celebrating the wedding? Is that why I was there?" Asked Tony.

"You really don't remember anything?" Asked Kurt.

"I don't. The whole day is a blur, please tell me what happened" asked Tony.

"The day had been going brilliantly so far, we were about to get married and Joel asked if anyone objected" said Kurt.

"No one did I assume!" Chuckled Tony.

Kurt stared at Tony with a concerned look.

"Right?" Asked Tony worryingly.

"Diane spoke up. She said that you kissed her and you admitted it. You had been lying to me all this time. Then Theo also spoke up, he told the truth, you left Peter to die and didn't even bother to stop Ramsay being taken and later killed." Said Kurt.

"I'm sorry," said Tony.

"You weren't on the day. I can't do this." Said Kurt, storming out of the room and the hospital.

Hours later Liam called the rest of the team to his and Eric's flat.

"This isn't much of a headquarters is it?" Asked Theo tiredly.

"We can't do much better, as long as the loft is still a crime scene we can't use it, but I have plans for something else" replied Liam.

"Listen, why did you call us here in the first place?" Asked Diane.

"Basically to speak about this, does anyone else have any info?" Asked Eric.

"Tony's awake." Chimed in Kurt.

"WHAT?!" Asked the team shockingly.

Becky's face went pale, this was awful for her.

"Yes. I left the pub to see Tony in hospital and he woke up." Said Kurt.

"Hold on, since when were you working in my pub?" Asked Becky.

"The Osborne's have been looking after it for you as you know, while Tony's flat is a crime scene since we got broken into, they let me and Tony's kids stay there for a while." Said Kurt.

"I will be taking back ownership of that pub soon" said Becky.

"Anyways the point is, Tony remembers nothing about the day of the attack, I only caught him up to when Theo exposed him, then I left." Said Kurt.

A certain team member let out a quiet breath of relief.

"Listen, can we speed things up? I'm tired enough as it is." Asked Theo.

"You look wrecked mate, you can stay over here in the spare room for a bit if you want?" Asked Eric.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks" said Theo, nor wanting to be a burden.

"So, I want to create a brilliant headquarters for the team, we're going to need a lot and I mean a LOT! Of money, so I have something planned." Said Liam excitingly.

"I didn't know about this part, what is it?" Asked Eric.

"We're going to commit an amazing heist!" Exclaimed Liam.

"I'm listening," said Theo.

"There's a maximum security Bank way outside of Hollyoaks, it holds about seventy five million, we're going to need to be smart with this." Said Liam.

"Hold on, maximum security? Maybe this is too much for us" said Kurt.

"We'll be fine, I think," replied Theo.

"Oh hell. Why not! We've been through worse!" Exclaimed Diane.

The team chuckled, this was going to be very fun but very difficult.

"I'll work further on the plan and we can gather backup to discuss it when I've developed it more" said Liam.

"I'm alright with this, plus the adrenaline must be amazing!" Chimed in Eric.

"We won't be able to do it tomorrow though, it's James's cremation tomorrow" said Theo.

"Of course, we'll say goodbye to our fallen friend, I loved that man once, this won't be easy for any of us" replied Liam.

"Right, you can all go now, me and Eric will get the plan started" said Liam.

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