The Treasure, Project C And A New Problem

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The plane landed on a beach, the team had stared out of the windows while on their multi hour flight, gazing at the ocean, finally they had arrived at the island that Blackbeard had called paradise, this was where the treasure was.

They all boarded off of the plane, looking in amazement at this beautiful island, Blackbeard was right, it was paradise.

"Now where the hell is this treasure?" Asked Liam.

"Surely we'll have to venture around the island to find it, let's just be careful since this area has been untouched for decades, so it might be fragile." Replied Eric.

"We may as well just get straight to it, Chloe and Michael no doubt somehow tracked us so they'll be here soon, we need to use this time to our advantage" chimed in Diane.

They all walked away from the plane, heading over to a small wall of stone that they needed to climb up, "let's get to it" said Theo.

The team grabbed multiple rocks on the wall of stone to climb up and they reached the top, jumping to another bigger wall of stone, yet again getting to the top.

"Is this whole thing going to be climbing? If I wanted to, I would've gone to a gymnasium" said Theo sarcastically.

"No, here look, there's a small sized mountain, if we climb that I'm sure there'll be something on the other end" said Kurt.

"How the hell are we meant to climb this thing? It's too big to manage" asked Eric.

Diane dropped duffle bags she had been carrying onto the stone, asking everyone to reach inside, "there's grappling hooks in there, use them."

The team threw the grappling hooks onto the top of the small sized mountain, climbing all the way then looking at what was now in front of them.

There was a big slide of mud, "guess it's the only way down" said Liam, all of them jumped onto it and slid down, realising they were now dropping into a cave.

"GRAB ONTO SOMETHING!" Shouted Kurt, the team chucking the grappling hooks into the air, managing to grab hold of rocks on the wall of the cave before they fell directly down into some water inside it.

"Where the hell do we go from here?" Asked Liam.

"Follow my way" ordered Diane, removing her grappling hook from the rock and letting herself fall directly down into the water, surviving the fall.

The rest of the team followed Diane's actions, not hitting any stones in the water so luckily living, they swam out of the water and onto some sand in the cave, there were two pirate ships here, and the cave expanded along like a massive hallway, although they couldn't see the rest yet.

"We've finally reached it, time to go aboard" said Theo.

They reversed their previous action and got back into the water, swimming over to the first ship and climbing up onto it, it was Olivier Levasseurs.

"It's empty, so where are the pirates, or what's left of them?" Asked Kurt.

"That's the same thing we were wondering" said a voice from behind them, they looked around, a group of soldiers were right there.

"How did you-" asked Eric, confused.

"Obviously we tracked you all here. You can get into the cave from the beach and walk to the big entrance at the beginning, the roof is only an added extra entrance. Anyways, time for you guys to finally die." Said a soldier.

"No" said Theo bluntly, ripping out his machine gun and gunning down all of the soldiers, taking a breath once all of them were dead, next to the bones.

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