The Final Goodbye

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Today was the day of James's cremation, it was time to say goodbye to him but some people weren't ready to say goodbye, they wished he was still here.

Eric was awakened by a wardrobe opening, he spotted Liam already getting dressed in his black suit, he turned around and looked at his alarm clock, it was only 6AM, the cremation wasn't until half two.

"Why are you getting dressed so early, James's cremation is eight hours away?" Asked Eric.

"I couldn't sleep, I need to keep busy" said Liam.

"Something on your mind?" Asked Eric.

Liam swiftly responded, "yes there is."

"Do you want to tell me?" Asked Eric with a concerned look on his face.

"It's- it's about James, it's just got me feeling down, I loved that man once and now he's dead, I hope the scum who killed him gets what's coming to them" said Liam lying.

However, this wasn't the main thing on his mind, sure James's death had got Liam emotional but the biggest trying? It was Becky. He had to stop himself from telling Eric in case she hurt him in revenge.

"You can go back to sleep if you wish, I'm going back to working on the plan" said Liam, leaving the bedroom and closing the door behind him.

Eric sat there, something also on his mind, the guilt wouldn't stop coming back to him. How could he do this, to his own brother?

Two hours later at 8AM Becky and Diane woke up, Diane wanting to finally ask Becky some questions.

They sat down at their kitchen table.

"So you know when the police pulled us all in for questioning the other day?" Asked Diane.

"I do, yes" replied Becky.

"We were in bed weren't we?" Asked Diane.

"Yes? Why are you asking all these questions, you should know, you were there" said Becky.

"The thing is. I woke up without my clothes on, but the last thing I remember was drinking my wine, not having sex with you or going to bed" said Diane worringly.

"You were drunk Diane, but yes we slept together, you must not remember since you were absolutely hammered but you wanted to sleep together, so we did, that's it." Replied Becky, lying through her teeth.

"Oh okay!" Smiled Diane.

"Did you think I…?" Asked Becky sadly, putting on an act.

"No of course not! I was just wondering that's all!" Said Diane worryingly.

Becky got off her seat, Diane thought she was about to walk away, "I don't believe you!" Shouted Becky, turning right back round and slapping Diane on the face, knocking her to the floor.

"You just… hit me," said Diane frightfully.

Becky then started to tear up, "I'M SORRY!" She cried out, she grabbed Diane and pulled her back up from the floor, "I'm so sorry, please forgive me." She screamed, wrapping her arms around Diane.

Diane felt so guilty, as if she was the one in the wrong, she comforted Becky with a hug, "it's alright calm down. Please don't do it again."

"I won't. I promise. I love you so much I can't believe I hit you" cried Becky.

"We'll get through this" smiled Diane tearfully, her face still hurting.

"I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back." She said to Becky.

Becky watched her leave and laughed, this was so easy, manipulating Diane was a piece of cake, ever since Liam joined the team, that truly evil side of hers returned to her and she LOVED IT!

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