The Events After

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The time was one PM once the team returned to Hollyoaks, shocked at what had happened at the lodge, they decided not to stick around any longer and go back home.

Liam hadn't been poisoned at all, Becky had just played a game with them all and fooled them, wanting Diane to try and shoot him to cause arguments in the team. Her plan, however, failed. What she had done successfully though was worsen what her victims had already been through.

The team didn't bother to go to the loft and discuss what had happened, instead they went to their homes, Diane invited Kurt to stay in her flat since he wasn't with Tony anymore.

Liam and Eric went back to their flat and Theo headed to the Nightingales flat, unable to look at anyone as he walked in, scared to tell them about what happened at the lodge to James's ashes.

"Theo, you're back, did you and the others enjoy the lodge? It's a bit early to return isn't it?" Asked Ellie.

Theo sat down at the table, not speaking.

"Are you okay?" Asked Romeo.

"Where is James's ashes? What's wrong?" Asked Alfie.

"Something happened while we were at the lodge, it's the reason we came back so early, it's the reason James's ashes aren't here." Said Theo sadly.

"Why, what happened?" Asked Ellie with a concerned look on her face.

"When Becky was being transported to prison, she managed to break out of the van. She stole the van and followed us from the church to the lodge. Eventually she knocked us all out, making us all drink a glass of wine, saying one of them was poisoned, she said Liam had the poisoned one and tried to convince Diane to shoot him, but she didn't, Liam wasn't actually poisoned either. Becky took James's ashes and ran from the lodge, I chased her out to a cliff and she- tipped them over the edge" cried Theo.

"WHAT?!" Shouted Romeo angrily. "I'll kill her when I find her!"

"Slight problem with that. When I chased her to the cliff and saw her empty the ashes and urn, I lost it and shoved her off of the cliff. We left her body there and here we are." Said Theo.

"This isn't right. How are there so many bad people in the world, they all seem to be near to you guys, I want to make them pay" said Alfie.

"You're not going to kill them are you?" Asked Ellie.

"Of course not, I'm not judging the team but I could never, but I want to help in some possible way" said Alfie.

"You know what, me too. We'll do anything we can" said Romeo.

Ellie pet James, "Theo, I just want you to know, it isn't your fault about the ashes, it's Becky's."

Theo left the flat through the door, "thank you." He said blankly.

Back at her flat Diane and Kurt sat down, drinking a cup of tea. "Listen, I'm sorry about what happened to you, maybe if I spoke up about Becky straight away then she wouldn't have been able to kidnap you."

"You have no reason to apologize, she was a psychopath, she manipulated you. At least she's gone now." Replied Kurt.

"I'm glad Theo pushed her off the cliff. She deserved it." Said Diane.

"What about Diego?" Asked Kurt.

"That kid clearly has some problems, but I'm not going to pursue him, he said he would be back for revenge but it wouldn't be wise." Answered Diane.

Meanwhile in their own flat, Eric and Liam sat eating sandwiches at the table, not discussing recent events.

"Listen, can we just cut to the chase, Becky's dead, time we all move on from her" snapped Liam.

"I know you don't feel that way, what Becky did, it was evil, you are allowed to show your feelings, after what she did to you." Replied Eric calmly.

"You're right. I'm still hurt over what she did to me, I don't think I will get over it, but I can try and move on. We need to take our minds off this. Text the team to get to the loft." Said Liam, walking out of the flat heading to the loft.

Theo, Kurt and Diane received a text from Eric, telling them Liam wanted them to come to the loft, so they did.

"Is this about the headquarters?" Asked Diane.

"No, however it is coming along well, this is about the treasure, I think we could all use a distraction, Becky's been finished off, we know who attacked Tony, now we have one more loose end to tie up, we have the map, time to head to the island." Said Liam.

"To be honest I think you're right, let's finish this" chimed in Kurt.

"Alright, let's do it, how are we going to get to the island though? We can't book a flight there and using a boat would take too long" said Diane.

"Oh I already have that settled, we're going to steal a plane from a hanger and fly there ourselves" answered Liam.

"We better go straight away then" said Theo.

"Everyone go outside into the jeep", said Liam, walking outside of the loft.

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