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Mr Dickinson stood up and began to pace in front of Emily "The Dickinsons have lived in Amherst for 200 years....We've made this town what it is....Everybody knows that....But your grandfather...he was a drunk and a debtor....And he practically squandered everything
that my ancestors worked so hard to build. I've spent my life cleaning up his mess!...i've scrimped and I've sacrificed....And I will not have my efforts undone by my own daughter, damn it!" He hit the table again, Emily jumped a bit, she held back the tears that threaten to escape.

"This foolishness of yours, we will have no more of it! You will tend to your duties
as your mother does. You have much room for improvement there. You see?" He walked to wear he sat just moments ago and picked up his plate and shoved it in Emily's face. "You see, this plate is chipped. You see? You set the table, didn't you?" Emily looked at it from the corner of her eyes.

"Do you mean to give the master of the house a chipped plate?" Emily didn't speak a word

"For your punishment, you will clean up in here....And in the kitchen....Alone." Mr Dickinson walked out a few minutes later Y/n walked in, tears fell down Emily's cheeks.

"Emily?" She asked softly, Emily stood up and grabbed Mr Dickinson plate and threw it at the fireplace it smashed making Y/n jump back.

"I'm sorry Y/n" she said wipping her tears, with her hands. "Do you want me to help clean up?" Y/n asked as she picked up a plate "no I don't want to get you into trouble, go up to bed I will see you in a bit" she said, Y/n picked up the flower, she looked around the empty room to make sure no one was watching, she kissed Emily's cheek and walked out of the dinning room and into Emily's room.

Emily ran out of the dinning room, she was now in a crimson red dress, a carriage pulled up glowing light blue horses pulled up. The door opened And Emily stepped in, she sat down on the black seat she looked at the man across from her. "Nice to see you."

"You were late." She deadpanned

"Most people would be glad if I never came." He said

"Not me. I always wanna see you." She said leaning towards him slightly, He let his cane with a red poppy flower drop towards her as she grabs it.

"So, your poem's gonna get published." He took off his gloves placing them in his lap.

"No." She told him "My dad won't allow it."

"I thought you said it was too late to stop it." Death asked  "My father will bury every copy if he has to. Anything to prevent me
from "ruining the good name of Dickinson." She explained.

"My darling...you'll be the only Dickinson
they talk about in 200 years....I promise you that." He told her as he took a puff of his cigarette and handed it to Emily.

"Even if my poems are never published?" She asked

"Publicity is not the same thing
as immortality."

"Immortality is nothing. All it takes is being very good and well-behaved and then you go to heaven."

"See, that's not the kind I mean. Your type of immortality won't come from you following the rules. It's gonna come from you breaking them." Death explained. Emily laughed "When will you come for me?" She asked

"I come for you every night, my darling." Death spoke, Emily shook her head "Not just for a ride. To take me away from this place." She explained, She knew wit would take ages for death to take her soul, especially if Y/n would fight so hard to have Emily keep her soul. Death laughed before responding

"Not for many, many years." Emily didn't like that answer. Death patted the spot next to him. Emily moved over and sat next to him "Why do you always take so long?" She asked

"I don't know....I'm busy."

"You're always busy." She said leaning her head on his shoulder

"And soon I shall be more so....There's a war brewing, you know...A big one.....One that shall divide this nation." He explained and took a puff from his cigarette.

Emily kneeled at the fire, she sweep up the mess of the floor, she poured it into the bucket next to her, and stood up and a wave of exhaustion hit her, she blew out the candle that was sitting on the table as she started walking towards the door out of the kitchen and towards the stairs "Another fight with Dad, huh?" She rolled her eyes as Austin layed on the steps "Don't be too hard on him, Em. I know he can be tough" Emily looked towards her father's study.

"But he only wants to protect us. Can I tell you a secret? I'm happy we're not moving to Detroit. I feel better here, with the family." Austin whispered to her. Emily walked up the stairs and past Austin. Her mother was standing up the top near the door. "Emily, get to bed. We need you up bright and early tomorrow...Another suitor is coming." Her mother strictly told her, her arms crossed.

Emily sluggishly walked past dragging her feet as she walked towards her door "Great.Who is it this time?" She sarcastically asked

"A pig farmer from South Hadley." She replied as she opened the door she turned to look at her mother back "Sexy" she sarcastically responded.

Emily lied in bed with her feet up and out of the blanket and Emily's head under the covers upside down. Y/n sat at Emily desk writing. A knock interrupted the peace and quiet the two enjoyed "Who is it?" Emily asked "Emily, are you awake?" Her father's voice shot through the door "Yes, Father." Emily whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"May I come in?" He asked

"Yes, you may." She responded, the door opened and her father stepped inside Emily's room, in a white night gown, a hat and a candle, he placed it on Emily's desk as The Y/h/c haired girl moved her papers away from the flame. Emily pulled the covers over her head, she her face is shown.

Mr Dickinson sat down on the trunk near Emily's bed  "You just can't know how I worry about you children. Oh, yeah. Yeah." He said to himself

"Oh, Father. Father, what is it? Don't...Don't cry." She told him as he started crying, Emily got out from on the covers.

"I just don't want to lose you." He said after a while "Promise me, Emily." He asked

"Promise... Promise you what?" She asked him

"Just promise me...You won't get married and move away." He told her

"I won't leave you, Dad." She answered

"Keep the family together...That's what I say." He stood up, he walked over to her bed and layed in it

"Hey, Dad?" He hummed in response "Can you promise me something too?" She asked

"Oh, yes, what is it, my dear?" He whispered

"Promise me.....that we can get a maid." She asked hopeful

"Oh, Emily. All right....All right." He stated muttering. Emily looked towards Y/n was was looked at them "I'll sleep on the floor" she mouthed towards Emily, the brown haired girl, throw her a blanket. After a few minutes of laying in bed. Emily got up and moved towards the desk, she got out a pencil and paper and began to write.

'Because I could not stop for Death -

He kindly stopped for me -

The Carriage held

but just Ourselves -

And Immortality'


Hey girl and gays so I need to know what nicknames do you guys wants to be called

Emily names (e.g Love, darling) ➡️

Y/n names (e.g songbird, darling) ➡️

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