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Emily ran in the nearest room and looked into the mirror "Please

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Emily ran in the nearest room and looked into the mirror "Please. Please." she moved the dress up to see if she had gotten her period "No!" she saw her blood socked white pants Emily fell to the ground with a gasp. "Oh!" She groans and moans in pain as she pulls herself to sit up against the end of the bed "No." she moans "Emily? Are you all right?" Y/n asked worried as she sat down next to the girl "Oh, Y/n" "Why are you in Lavinia's room?" She asked

"Oh, I got lost. And now I'm in this ribbon-infested hellscape. - Ow!" Emily complained "Are you dying?" Y/n asked worried "I hope so." Emily said as she groaned again "You took too much of that stuff, I told you." Y/n got interrupted by Emily "Life is an endless sea of pain." Y/n turned Emily's head to look at her, she rest her hand on her cheek "Emily, what is wrong?" Y/n asked "I got my period." Emily said causing both girls to burst out laughing.

Austin and Jane walk out to the porch to talk "You know, Austin, I've liked you for a really long time." Jane said "That's very flattering."

"My father says you're the most suitable boy in town for me." "Um... Okay." Austin said "So, I guess I'm just... wondering, are you really sure about Sue?" Jane said "Yes. I am." "But is she really suitable for you?"

"Look, just because Sue or Y/n don't have any money does not..." Austin told her "I don't care that their poor. I'm not talking about that." Jane said loudly "So, what are you trying to say?" "It's just... - She's weird and so is her sister". Austin chuckles "What do you mean "weird"?"

"Sue doesn't like dating, She always chooses Y/n over you anytime and Y/n and your sister, Emily...Haven't you noticed the way they go around together? All I'm saying is, I would be afraid to marry into a family who's..." Jane slowly said "Who what?" He asked "Who is in love with my sister." Jane said slowly trying to have those words sink through to Austin.

"That's... ridiculous. Y/n and Emily are old friends. and Sue is a member of this family. Now, if you'll excuse me." He walks off and slam opens the door "Austin, wait... I just..." Jane said running after him, Austin goes to the drink table and picks up a drink "Whoa, slow down there, buddy." George said "Where..." he takes a large gulp of his drink "is my fiancée?" He walks upstairs.

Austin enters Emily's room but he can't find them, He picks up a note that was for Y/n

Wild nights -

Wild nights!

Were I with thee

Wild nights should be Our luxury!

Futile -

the winds -

To a Heart in port -

Done with the Compass -

Done with the Chart!

Rowing in Eden -

Ah - the Sea!

Might I but moor -

tonight -

In Thee!

Austin exhales. Sue enters Austins room to try and find her sister, but can't find her. She sees the door open to Emily's room and she walks in and sees Austin standing in the room.

"Just put something in there to soak it up. Like a napkin or something." Y/n said "All the napkins are downstairs." Emily whines and groans "Here. Use this." Y/n looks around and picks up a little pillow with the picture of a cat sow into it "I think she made this for her cat." Emily said "Desperate times, girl." Y/n spoke and and handed her the pillow, both of them laugh "You really are my favourite person in the world darling.." Emily mumbled "Emily..." Y/n whispers, Emily leans in and kisses her girlfriend. Y/n raised her hand to Emily's cheek and brushed a strand of hair that had fallen in front of her face.

The door opens quickly, that the two girls couldn't comprehend what was going on, until it was too late, the two pull away quickly "What the hell are you doing?" Austin yelled, Sue entered the room at the same time.

"I tell everyone Me and your sister are getting married and you come upstairs to do..." Austin yells at Y/n as she stood up "What exactly? With my sister?" "Austin, Y/n was just helping me with a very personal situation." Emily said defending Y/n

"So you kissed her?" Austin scoffed "In gratitude. - You have no right to intrude on us." "I have every right. - She's my fiancée sister." Austin shouted "Yeah? She's my best friend and you'll never understand the love we share. Ever!" Y/n gets pulled by Emily then Sue pulls Y/n towards her away from Emily and Austin "Emily you don't own Y/n, You just kiss George" Austin spat "What?" Y/n frowned and turned towards Emily who looked at her feet.

"Both of you, stop! - Just stop! - That's enough! I can't take this anymore, We can't take it anymore. You're both too much. You're suffocating me and you're suffocating Y/n" Sue shouted having enough with all the shouting who glared at each other. Sue looked at the Two Dickinson siblings. "I can't breathe. Do you understand? we can't breathe. we're leaving. We have to go." Y/n walked towards Emily her hand clenched around an object.

"Please no" Emily begged with tear in her eyes, she begged her to stay, Y/n didn't met her eyes, she just placed the ring in Emily's hand "where are you going?" Emily asked "to Boston" Y/n replied softly before running down stair with Sue who was waiting for her at the door, as the two Dickinson siblings ran after the two Gilbert daughters

"Austin, no. Stop it!" They yelled at each other as they ran down the stairs "Sue, Y/n, no!" Emily tripped over an unconscious person on the way down "Wait! Y/n! Stop!" - "Stop Sue! We can work it out!" Everyone slowly felt to the floor. Emily walked to everyone tears threatening to fall as Y/n and Sue run away

"Everyone party's over." She said sadly. She stared at the Ring placed in her hand.


Question of the day?
Okay so you know how in episode ten or nice of season three Sue and Emily have sex. So I can't write a Smut scene very well. So I was wondering when I am up to season 3 if someone could write it for me and I will put it in and tag you any everything.

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