Chapter 30. 'faith' is a fine invention

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Y/n stared out the window and saw the carriage that had been visiting her for a while. She ran down the stairs, no other noise was made. Her dress has changed from a black dress to a blue dress that goes down to silver with off the shoulder sleeves, and flowers designs going up from the bottom of the dress. And flower design along the silk bodice of the dress.

Her hair was done flowing down her back with a gold pin holding a section of her hair up in a bun. She walked towards the black carriage, the shadowy horses that pull the carriages neighed as they saw her.

She smiled and walked past them, her hand tracing over their shadowy white hair. "You know you can't touch them" a voice said as the door opened by an invisible hand.

"I know, but one day I might" she looked towards the figure. "Miss Y/n Gilbert or Miss Y/n Dickinson" Y/n ears turned a scarlet Red.

"I am fine staying a Gilbert, someone has to carry on the Gilbert bloodline, after my sister has now turned her back on it" Y/n said dramatically, as she enters the carriage, she sits down directly across from death.

"So how is my favourite Gilbert" Death asked, his arms outstretched before crossing them "my sister is going to get married to Austin" she said

"ohh sad romance between two lovers how tragic" Death spoke. The carriage began to move, Y/n looked out at the now dark sky as the trees slowly faded into water. "The tragedy of the Gilbert Sisters. family dead. Sister marrying into the Dickinsons. Your lover becoming your sister in law." Death listed

"Yes I get it, I'm the tragic Gilbert sister, Is this all you came here for?" She asked looking towards him over her shoulder, waving him off.

"No actually, I came here for company, do you know how boring it gets just waiting for people to die, then you know how stressful it gets when millions of people die" Death complains as Y/n listens

"So you came to voice your problems?" She asks tilting her head to the left slightly, brows frowned, as he nods "yeah ethier that or just to enjoy your company whilst we travel across the country road" Death suggests

"Why didn't you just go see Emily?" Y/n asks looking out at the window. "She is being really mopey at the moment, it's so downing" Y/n looks at him confused "Emily's not a downer, she is normal happy" Death shook his head.

"Do you know she hasn't seen me in ages" Y/n nodded as she moved her head off her palm, to look at Death.

"What's on your mind, little bird?" The two always had to do bird Nicknames; Emily with Songbird. And Death with little bird. "Do you remember, the conversation we had in Boston?" She asked playing around with her fingers.

"Yes, cause that girl was mopey as, without you. All I heard was 'can you talk to Y/n?' 'Tell me how she's going?' 'Can you bring her back?' it was so boring." He looked up to the girl across from him "no offence." He said as she gave the man a "are you done" look.

"Until she started talking about that Newton man..Ben Newton. You know him?" Y/n nodded trying not to convey how much she didn't like their relationship but nothing slips past death.

"Ohh, you're jealous of their relationship." The man nodded seeing the hurt look that flashes through her eyes. He laughed a little. "so your mind is racing full of doubt?"

"You are very little comfort" Y/n stated, looking at him with a glare as he shrugged his shoulders "am I meant to be?" Y/n shook her head and laughed. Y/n then listened to the horse hooves. "so will he die?.." Y/n asked slowly.

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