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The two girls found themselves in a room sorting through the clothes "God, there are more clothes in here than at Betty's dress shop."

Y/n sighed folding a pair of pants "Yeah, and we have to sort through
all of them." She placed them down onto a box "Look, Y/n, I'm traveling the world." She commented as she turned a globe around looking at all the other countries on the globe "I thought you were supposed to be helping." Y/n asked "Isn't it funny how this whole big Earth exists, and we'll probably never see any of it besides Amherst?" Emily ignored Y/n question she walked around the room looking at everything. "I've been to Geneva, New York. My aunt used to live there." Y/n said as sat on the bed, and began to look through everything "Did she move?" Emily asked

"Nope. She died."

"I wanna see a real volcano." She said as she looked at the photo on the wall "You'd have to leave Massachusetts for that." Y/n picked up a top hat that was covered in dust, Y/n blew the top of it making the dust fly off.

"Oof. Let me see the hat." Emily asked, Y/n threw her the hat, Emily looked at it before putting it on her head "How do I look?" She asked "Handsome." Y/n replied. Emily quickly took the cane that was resting in an umbrella holder.

"Check me out. I'm a man." Y/n laughed as Emily made her voice deeper to pretend she was man. "I do what I want." She walked in front of the mirror "I go where I want. I have the right to vote. I can legally own property." Y/n readjusted how she was sitting so she could look at Emily. She looked at herself in the mirror.

Y/n layed down on the pile of clothes "I study volcanoes in a lab on Mount Vesuvius." she said in a deep voice. Emily gasped and spun around to tell Y/n "Y/n I have an idea" she said, Y/n sat up giving Emily her attention "what?"

"Let's put these clothes on and sneak into that lecture." She said happily like it was the best idea "That's silly, love. We can't."

"Why not?"

"It's the sort of thing that works in a story but does not work in real life." Y/n explained "Oh, come on. What is the worst that could happen?" Emily asked as she walked away, Y/n stood up from the bed and stood in front of Emily

"We could embarrass ourselves." Y/n said, she placed the tie that she was holding around Emily's neck. "Well, I am willing to take that risk." Emily chuckles " I mean, it really is absurd that we can't go. What are they so afraid of?" Y/n asked "Maybe they're scared if they teach us how the world works we'll figure out how to take over." Emily said the two girls smile at each other "Hey. Do up my tie." Emily asked, Y/n grabbed one of the ends and moved it over her other shoulder.

Y/n and Emily got out of their corsets and dress, they looked in the mirror and looked at which outfit suited best, they danced around to songs that they played on the record player, Emily drew a moustache on Y/n's face with a marker. Y/n kissed Emily upside down.

They jumped on the bed, and looked at the difference coats, They tried to tie a tie, once they finished fooling around and were dressed they fell onto the bed "We look ridiculous." Y/n said "You'd have to be pretty stupid to fall for this." Emily stated "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Y/n asked "Yeah." "Boys are stupid." The two got up from the bed, and Emily took her hat that fell off.


The two "boys" stood in the court yard as boys walked around talking "Emily.." the girl beside her whispered, it felt weird to be in a place with so many boys and not a single girl in sight, Y/n was actually slightly uncomfortable with this now that she was standing there.

Emily cleared her throat, as she looked around "Professor Shepard said if it doesn't rain, we can have class outside." George said to the boys following him, this news got the boys to start chanting 'Class outside!' "This might not work." Y/n said "Emily Dickinson?" Goerge said as he leaned over the two girls shoulders to look at Emily face "No. No." She said in a deep voice "Uh, okay. Then who are you, young man?" George said playing alone "Uhh... I... am... " Emily took a moment to think "Lysander Periwinkle." She the gestured to the "boy" beside her "And this here is Sir Tybalt Butterfly. We are scholars of science and nature." She said quickly

" Mm-hmm." He said acting like he believed them " We just wanna hear the lecture. Please don't tell anyone." Emily quickly said "Your secret's safe with me." He said making the motion of zipping his lips shut "Thanks, George."

" Hey, Hitchcock's the best. You're gonna love it. You weird, beautiful boy." He said as he walked backwards towards the door to enter the school building, he got a weird look from a kid who was sitting on the wall "Oh, what's up, you weird, beautiful boy?" George said and opened the door and walking inside.
"When Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD, the city of Pompeii was destroyed, buried in ash. The inhabitants of the city, their objects and possessions, were all immobilized, frozen in time." He explained, Emily and Y/n watched with such curiosity. As professor Hitchcock explain everything "You never know when a volcano will erupt. We lived in constant danger in the laboratory. The pressure beneath us building... building." He walked to a small model.

"We could sense it. But we could not control it. And now, a demonstration. Would my teaching assistant, George Gould, please join me up here. Mr. Gould will now dazzle us with his own model volcano." George stood up and walked towards his model. "Here we have a model volcano made of clay." Y/n placed her hand on the railing.

"I'm gonna pour in five ounces of water. One ounce of sulfuric acid"

"Beneath the surface of placid rock lurks the seething, boiling substance known as magma."

"And about three-quarters of an ounce of granulated zinc." Emily placed her hand over Y/n's hand, a boy looked shocked by this action.

"Aha. Angry magma builds up in secret, far, far underground, until one day, out of nowhere, a sleeping mountain becomes a... How can I describe this?"

Emily thought back to her moments with Y/n, when they kissed under the orchard, when Y/n slept in her bed, when she asked Y/n out, when they did an upside down kiss, when Y/n sings to her.

The professor tried to find the words to describe what a sleeping mountain becomes when a volcano erupted, but she already knew. "Becomes a fiery beast!" Emily blurted out and pulls off her hat, letting her hair fall down, she actidently let's go of the hat letting it fall to the ground.

The boys in the room started yelling "there girls!!" They stood up outraged, they pointed and yelled that there were girls in the lecture hall. A man escorted them out "let them see...George go....go!" The professor said, George quickly finished the experiment, the volcano erupted and the "magma" flew everywhere.

The two girls ran down the stairs "well at least we got to take our corsets off" Emily said as Y/n laughed, the two running down the stairs and out of the school building.

Question of the day?


o in the episode where Sue leaves for Boston, who does she stay with because two things he gave me the creeps and second thing I can't find who he is anywhere..is he the landlord or that cousin Sue was talking about.

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