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"May i speak with you for a moment?" Austin asked, He held his hand out for her to take, "In private" She did and he lead her out of the room

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"May i speak with you for a moment?" Austin asked, He held his hand out for her to take, "In private" She did and he lead her out of the room.

Y/n and Emily continued to prepare for the party, Emily played two notes on the piano, Y/n sat down next to her. "Y/n i can feel the silent judgement you are giving me" Y/n laughed a bit, "I'm not" "Yes you are i can feel it"

"I think you are just better at poetry then playing the piano, my dear Emily" Y/n teased "Okay then dear Y/n show me how you play?" Emily moved over slightly so Y/n could sit in the middle, but the door bell rung "Please i have never seen you play the piano, only ever written and sung" Lavinia yelled she was going to get it, and she ran to the door and opened it. She fell disappointed when it wasn't who she was hoping for. "Its only George" The man walked in and Lavinia closed the door behind him. "Hey everybody!, Let's get this party commenced!" He called out holding one hand behind his back, He looked around and saw no one but the family and Y/n and Sue.

Emily laughed "Emily" he said and looked at the girl, Y/n moved to help with setting some more stuff as Emily and George talked. Lavinia kept opening the door in hopes to see Joseph Lyman, She saw Jane and her group, who follow jane everywhere "We're here, Where's Austin?" She asked "Hes here, Jane i love your dress" "Wait till you see her fan. My father brought it over from Japan He's a samurai, so..."

Jane and her group walked to the food table. More people showed up to the party, Emily and Y/n smiled at each other as Y/n went back to her conversation with George. Emily walked to the food table where Jane stood. "Emily.." Emily looked up towards Jane. "You're here." Jane said fanning herself "It's my house." Jane chuckled with her friends "We've always been such good friends, haven't we? All those years together in school. So many memories." Jane said

"Right. Like the time you tried to poison me?" Emily stated "I suppose if I marry Austin, you and I will be sisters." Jane said fanning herself "I suppose if Austin married a flesh-eating demon, she'd be my sister too." The girls laughed bitterly, Emily took a chocolate covered strawberry ball from the table and walked away. Joseph Lyman came up to Austin and Goerge. "George i will talk to you later i need to find Emily" She asked the older boy. Y/n thanked the two boys and then walked away. Y/n pushed past a bit of the crowd that stood in the doorway from the dinning room to the lounge room, she found Emily sitting on a chair. Y/n sat next to her and began mindlessly braiding her hair. "what are you doing?" Emily asked, chuckling lightly. "Shhh I'm concentrating" Y/n said and Emily went quite at the orders of her girlfriend.


A few hours later George stood next to Emily, she had a small bottle that he had given her, "Hey, everybody. We have a special treat tonight." Emily announced to everyone, she walked into the living room and everyone crowded around her. "Ooh. Is it pound cake?" Toshiaki asked

"Better. We got opium." she said, she held the bottle up "Oh. Whatever. We have that in Japan." He told everyone "Oh, my God. She's so insane." Emily tried to open the bottle "Of course, she's insane. She's Emily Dickinson." "Should I do opium? I'm planning to marry a minister" The girl beside jane said. "Who wants a drop?" Emily called out as she got the lid off. She tilted her head back and put more then one drop in her mouth, Y/n ran towards the girl and pulled her arm away, pulling the dropper away from her mouth "Oh! Emily! Emily, that's too much." Y/n spoke "Here, take some." Emily placed the drop near Y/n's mouth "I can't. I'm in mourning." Y/n said "Y/n, don't act like you're dead while you're still alive." Emily told her and dropped one drop in her mouth. Emily went around the room to everyone and gave everyone drops, The room seemed to slow down, everyone danced but it all seemed to be in slow motion, Emily touched Y/n's face, Y/n placed her hands over Sue and Austins faces. Y/n and Emily danced together, Y/n Danced with Sue a lot too.

Soon everyone became tired, after hour an hour Everyone either sat down or started to slow dance. Y/n slow danced with one of Austins nice friends, she was to sleepy to care. Emily sat in a chair just staring at the two. 'she want to dance with her' Emily looked at the others dancing, her eyes fell on Sue, Who looked at her then at Y/n, and gave her a look that said 'go dance with her'
Emily shook her head think it was a terrible Idea.

A buzz of a bee was heard, Emily turned to look in front and saw a bee. Emily gasped in happiness, "Bee! I was hoping you'd come." She said "What's up?" it said "How did you get inside?" She asked "Girl, I flew through the window." Emily held her arms out "Will you dance with me?" She asked the bee.

Emily danced with the bee "Bee, you're so sweet." She said "I'm covered in pollen, baby." The bee chuckles George walks up to Emily who is dancing with know one. "May I have this dance?" He asked holding out his hand "Bee, you don't mind, do you?" She looked to the giant bumblebee, The bee flies away and Emily waves to it.

"This is a great party." "Yeah. It really came together." "Just think, if we were married we could have parties like this all the time." The two dance around "Oh, George, you don't wanna marry me." "That is, in fact, all I want." "You should marry a normal girl, not a crazy lady." Emily explained "Maybe I like the crazy." George kiss Emily. Emily looked at him and kissed him again, Sue looked at Y/n then looked for Emily as she danced with Austin, Emily pulled away and groans in pain.

"Are you okay?" George asked "No. My stomach." She said as she clutches her stomach "Jeez, I didn't know I was such a bad kisser." Emily walked away and upstairs. Y/n looked as Emily ran upstairs. Y/n moves away from the man she danced with and follows Emily upstairs.

Sue went to run after Y/n and Emily. Austin pulled Sue back, "Wait, Sue. I... There's something I wanna say. - Attention! Everyone!" He clinks his glass getting everyone's attention "I have an important announcement to make." "Austin, don't." Sue said "The news is... my beloved Sue, this magical, mystifying beauty, has agreed to become my wife. We're engaged." Austin chuckles "Sue Gilbert is to become Sue Dickinson."

Only some people clapped "Congratulations." a man said "Wonderful news! - When's the wedding?" -"We don't have an exact date yet. But soon. Very soon. Darling, when do you think that we should..." He addresses his future wife "I'm sorry, I have to go find Y/n." Sue lets go of his hand and runs upstairs to find Y/n and Emily. The crowd began to murmur between themselves.

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