Wild nights

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Episode three; Wild nights

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Episode three; Wild nights

Thunder roared around a ship as the waves rocked it back and forth violently, the rain made it hard to see anything Emily stood holding on the edge of the railing as she looked through the storm to the other side of the ship. Y/n stood on the other side leaning over the railing soaking wet, "Y/n" Emily called out but the girl didn't hear her, "Y/N!!!"Emily called out louder, The girl looked around trying to find who called her name but she didn't see anyone. Y/n looked over the edge, to see what was in the water "Y/n No!" Emily reached out for the Y/h/c hair songwriter. The girl leaned to far and fell over the edge "Y/n!!!" She fell into the deep water "NOOO!!" she yelled......

Emily woke up with a gasp she had a pencil in her hand. she had fallen asleep writing. She slowly sat up breath heavily, She just had a nightmare that was all... Emily looked down at the page and slowly traced her hand across the word written.

Wild nights -

Wild nights!

She read the words on the page, the room seemed to be swaying like she was on the ship again. but was interrupted by a knock, "Yes who is it?" she said quickly, The door opened and maggie Entered "Your mother and father are leaving don't you want to come say goodbye" Maggie asked. "Yeah sure, hang on just-" Maggie shut the door, Emily dipped her pencil in ink and wrote 'For Y/n' and put the ink bottle on top of it, She fiddled with the objects in her pocket. She took a deep breath.

Emily got up from her chair then made her way downstairs, "We'd better be off." Mr Dickinson said "No! No!" Emily quickly ran down the stairs "You can't! You mustn't! How shall we cope with the unbearable pain of your absence?" She said holding her hand outstretched "I know why you prefer poetry to acting." He said "Goodbye." and kissed Emily's cheek "Goodbye, other child." He said and kissed Lavinia's cheek.

"Austin. The horses." Mr Dickinson said and walked out, Ausin walked after him
"Come help with the horses, Austin!" He said loudly "Coming. I'm coming." He muttered as he walked after his father. "Now, girls, keep everything tidy. There's cold roast for dinner." Mrs Dickinson placed her bonnet on her head as she looked in the mirror "And please, keep Maggie away from the meat. If you aren't careful, she'll eat us out of house and home." Emily smiled whilst Lavinia had a sad face. "Have fun in Boston, Mum." Emily said

"Girls...listen to me....While I'm gone, clean constantly." She gripped her two daughters hands and looked between them "Au revoir, Mama." Austin said as she walked out "Bye." she replied, Austin walked inside and closed the door behind him. "I miss them already." Austin sighed in relief. "Vinnie we have the whole house to ourselves " Emily said as she looked at her sister. "for one night to do whatever we want" she looked from Vinnie to Austin. Please don't tell me any ghost stories....I can't handle them." Lavinia said "Austin, are you thinking, what I'm thinking?" Emily asked "I may be." he said " I'm gonna go ride my horse!" "Let's throw a party!" the two said different ideas at the same time. "Wait, what?"

"You guys, come on. It's been so long since Mom and Dad went anywhere. We need to throw one of our classic Dickinson house parties." Emily said, Lavinia agreed, Austin was the only one that didn't. "Come on." Lavinia begged "Lavinia, every time we throw a party, I find you with your hair tied around some boy's neck." Austin said "That's actually a traditional courting ritual, so...Oh, my God. Can I invite Joseph Lyman?" She asked excitedly "This is gonna be a disaster." He said and turned around Parties are supposed to be disasters, Austin.....Parties are like shipwrecks.....You should emerge from them soaking wet,.....out of breath, and helplessly disoriented." She said "Come on, let's do it!" Lavinia and Emily begged.

"Let's do what?" Y/n and Sue asked, Sue held flowers as she was just outside in the garden. "Emily wants to have a party." Austin told the two.

The two girls stayed silent for a moment, They looked at each other then at the other three "That sounds fun." Y/n and Sue said "Yes, yes, it does....Let's invite everyone." Austin said, he only changed his mind because Sue said it would be fun. "Party at the Dickinsons' tonight!" Emily shouted, Everyone began dancing around.

Because the party wasn't happening till later, they set everything up and Y/n and Emily had spare time to talk, They went on a walk into the woods and also while at it had to collect water. "Y/n i have something to give to you" Emily said as she took the first bucket out of the well and replaced it with the second "What is it, love?" Y/n asked "okay, so I know that we will never be able to get married and be together so I thought about it and I got use these" Emily fumbled with her dress pocket trying to find what was inside it.

She finally found it and pulled out two beautiful rings on necklace chains, both silver bands, one with a blue stone, scroll pattern Engraved ring along the band, which was Emily's. Y/n's was with a red stone, with vines engraved in the band.

"Before you freak out they aren't engagement rings, they are promise rings it so that we know that we love each other and so others don't ask questions about "a man" being in our lives" she explain, Y/n cover her mouth with her hands. "I love you without having to show it"

"Y/n you are apart of my world, you always have been and I hope you always will be" Emily said, Y/n sighed, she hated how she didn't get her anything, even if she didn't know that Emily was going to give her anything.

Emily took it the wrong way, "well if you don't like it" Y/n quickly stopped her "Em, I love it, its beautiful..its perfect..its just that I didn't get you anything, I don't know you were doing anything like this and I feel bad-" Emily quickly stopped her from continuing.

"Y/n you did, you got me the greatest gift in the world.......you, Just being here with me...it's the only gift I need" Emily pulled Y/n in a hug, her arms secured around Y/n's waist "You are perfect, Emily Dickinson, I love you so much" Y/n whispered and kissed her cheek.

Emily turned Y/n around to put the necklace around her neck. "because we aren't going to be able to get married, today's date can be our anniversary" Y/n offered the idea, Emily smiled as Y/n turned around admiring the necklace and ring.

Emily nodded and smiled, happy with the idea. Y/n rested her head against Emily's "we are going to have to bring the water home so they can cook food for tonight" Y/n said and Emily groaned "come on, you wanted to have this party" Y/n took the buckets filled with water and began walking with Emily trailing behind her.

Once they returned back to the Dickinson household they took the water into the kitchen, with the buckets, they handed the buckets to Lavinia who was making the drinks, Emily went upstairs to get ready, Emily got dressed in a dark blue dress, Y/n and Sue stayed in their black dresses. Sue played on the Piano.

"Beethoven. Intense......Think you might wanna lighten the mood a little bit? For the party?" Austin got disapproving glares from his sister and Sue's sister who were setting up the tables and moving the chairs out of the way. "Hey. I like it" Y/n said as her sister looks at her from over the shoulder.

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