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Y/I = Your initials

After walking for a little they got to the town, Emily stood up on one of the shops porches the general store, waiting for George to be done, Emily looked at the pumpkins that sat on the porch with a sign saying pumpkins on them, Emily sighed as s...

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After walking for a little they got to the town, Emily stood up on one of the shops porches the general store, waiting for George to be done, Emily looked at the pumpkins that sat on the porch with a sign saying pumpkins on them, Emily sighed as she placed her book under her arm as she waited. She leaned against the pole, as she watched the horses and carts go past, still waiting. Emily walked back and forth on deck. She placed her book on her head balancing it as she slowly spun around the pole, holding on to it with one hand. She has soon started to read the book, the bells of the door opening and closing made her look towards it, thinking it was George, nope it was Jane and her two girl-friends.

She waved at them and said hi, they smiled but anyone could tell it was forced, they walked a down the stairs and huddled in a little group. "Emily?" The voice next to her said "Y/n?!" She said quickly and looked to her right, to see the Y/e/c eyes looking at her smiling. "What are you doing, Love?" She asked as Emily took out a pencil and wrote on the pillar. Y/I + E in a heart "Watch" Was all she said as she wrote underneath the heart 'I love you always and forever' Emily moved towards the window to look inside as Y/n looked at the pillar "Come on George" She muttered as she turned to look at Y/n, but she was gone once again. 'Emily you are literally going insane, stop thinking about her, But i can't' Emily thought This was the third time or something she thinks and sees Y/n here, but every time she turns around she isn't, she feels like she's going insane.

Emily stared marching up and down as she waited, Why is he taking so long? Emily was getting frustrated, She stopped marching and knocked on the window for in a rapid pace. She then got bored and started reading again. The door bell chimed again and this time George did walk out carrying a small bag with him full of lollies and food. She closed her book and looked at him "Finally what took you so long?" She asked impatiently as he walked closer, "I got us so many snacks" He said innocently and pointed to the bag "I'm not even hungry"

"liar" Y/n's voice cut through the air as she leaned against the pillar with a smirk, "We have a long journey ahead of us. We need sustenance." Goerge told her She quickly turned towards him "- Okay, what did you get?" She asked "- Peanuts. Popcorn. Gingerbread. - Doughnuts." He pointed out the food "- Okay. - Got a stomachache already." She said she brushed him off

George pulled out a small lolly " - Ooh! Also got some taffy." He said happily, "Awwwe He's excited" Y/n said, Smiling at his happy face "You hate him" Emily looked toward her even though no one could see her, why would they, Emily's imagining her up right now "Hey! I never said i hate him, I felt betrayed there's a difference" Y/n snapped pointed a finger at her "You left me" Emily snapped

"You cheated" Y/n said glaring at her "I was on drugs" She said. "Yes that i told you not to take" George waved a hand in front of her face again "Emily who are you talking too?" He asked concerned "No one, We already missed a carriage that was going straight to Northampton. - Now we have to wait for another one." Emily changed the subject, as she walks down the stairs and George follows, he sighs before starting to talk "It'll be so much more convenient when the train comes directly to Amherst."

" 'Convenient.' 'Efficient.' You know, we don't have to speed everything up. Sometimes it's good to slow down." She said and leaned against the tree with her shoulder, Goerge leans the other side of the tree "Why do you hate technology?" He asked.

Emily sighed "Thoreau says, "We don't ride the railroad, the railroad rides us." " She quoted the book she has read a thousand times "I have a feeling I'm not going to like this guy." George admits "Then why are you coming to Walden? Because. I like being with you." He admits Emily looks around and spots Lavinia walking out of a shop wearing a crown like hat with black feathers going around the top "Is that...Lavinia!" She calls out to her sister, she looks towards Emily but Ignores her and continues walking away "I thought you were the weird one." George said as he looks at Lavina with a mouth full of food and taffy. Emily looks at him with a look that said rude, and she walks away.

The train went past trees, Emily sat one chair, George sat on the one opposite her. She leaned a piece of paper against her book as she wrote a poem and letter to Y/n. "Another letter to Y/n?" He asked as he looks at her and then the paper "She can't ignore me forever." Emily said

"You are really invested in that friendship." "It is possible she did write to me, and the letter was lost. Or maybe Austin stole it. I wouldn't put it past him. Or who knows, maybe my last letter upset her." She explained "Why? What did you say?" He asked "Only that she had me chained up in an insane asylum of love." Emily told him, "If you wrote that to me, I'd be pretty psyched." He told her, She looks up at him and chuckles a bit "Thanks.". George moved over to her seat and sat next to her.

"Do you think that Sue and Austin will still get married?" George asked as she was trying to continue writing "Not going to be able to keep writing, am I?" She asked "I'd just like to have a conversation. We're sitting on a train together, side by side. It just seems like an opportunity for, you know, interaction. We could share some laughs, profess our undying love for each other, discuss how many children we're going to have. Three boys, two girls?" George jokes Emily laughs

"Fantasize about growing old together on the porch that I'm going to build for us. You know, just to get to know each other better." He said Emily goes back to the Marriage question "I hope they don't." Emily said "What?" He asked confused

"Austin and Sue. I hope they don't get married. Because, for Sue...and Y/n" Emily sighs "I think it would be like a prison." She said "Why would Y/n be trapped?" "Because Austin would probably get one of his friends to marry her and she doesn't want that" She explained "Why are you so anti-marriage? Some people love being married, you know." He explained

"Right. Some people called men." She told him "No, not just men." He interjects "If I were a man, I would definitely want a wife. Someone to cook for me, clean for me, raise my children. All while I got to do exactly what my heart desired." She explained her thoughts. "Hm."

"You're so cynical. Marriage can be comforting. Cozy." George said, he bumps shoulders with Emily "I just think, wanting to be alone forever? That's weird. - People need each other to survive." He said "Not according to Thoreau." She stated. The conductor walked up to them wearing a blue suit and glasses and carrying a clipboard "Mr. and Mrs. George Gould?" He asked the pair, George perked up immediately "Yes?" Emily shut him down with a simple "No. We're not married." He looked at her sadden "Well, this is Concord. End of the line." He said and walked away.

Emily and George Stood outside the train on the platform as People walked past talking and laughing or men smoking a pipe. It certainly wasn't quite. "Not exactly off the grid around here." George said as they began to walk.

Question of the day?

What movie or TV show are you watching and how is it?

I am watching stranger things

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