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It was night, Emily sat down at her desk, Y/n was lying on the bed reading one of Emily's books. She got bored as she had already read them, "I'm gonna go find Sue" She said as stood up from the bed and stretched, then kissed her head "okay" Emily mumbled, Y/n press one more kiss against her temple before walking out of the door.

She went to find her sister. She walked past Mr Dickinson "hi Mr Dickinson" she said politely as she walked past him. He just walked past not sparing the girl a glance, and headed straight into Emily's room.

Y/n walked up to Austin's room and knocked on the door, Sue opened it and smiled when she saw here sister. "Hey sis, how are you feeling?" Sue asked placing a hand against her forehead "I'm fine Susan" Y/n said, getting a shocked expression from Sue. And the older sister pulled her sister into the room. "You know the one I will miss..." Sue said as she pulls Y/n onto the bed to sit with her. "When we get a house and we are out of this one?" Sue said looking at Y/n with a cheeky look. "What?"

"That I will never get to spend the whole day with you for ageeesss..." Sue said dragging out the last word. "I know" Y/n frowns with tears in her eyes "but we will still get to see each other most of the time right?" Y/n asked, hold her sisters hands. "Of course I will"

Y/n sighed softly, and rested her head against Sue's shoulder "I'll miss you Sue" Y/n said as she links arms holding her older sister's hand. "I'll miss you too"


Emily heard the door close as Y/n walked out, but the door opened again, Emily wondered if Y/n had forgotten something but her father stood at the door "dad you didn't knock?" Emily asked confused as she shifts herself around to face him slightly "I don't need to knock" he said dismissively "well it seem like that what doors are for...but your call?" Emily said as she looks down at the table then at her father "do you take me for a fool, Emily?" He said, Emily looked confused "what?"

"I said 'do you take me for a fool?'" he held up the newspaper from earlier, a strict look on his faces makes him look scary. "No. Of course not." Emily said as Mr Dickinson placed the newspaper on her bed. She looked from it to her dad, "and yet you treat me like one..." He shut the door, it made a loud bang as he walked towards Emily. "Your own father...the man who gives you everything. The food you eat. The very air you breathe." Emily stands up still confused "dad I don't know what you're---" he cut her off. "Don't lie to me!..Austin did not write this poem!" He snaps point at the newspaper.

She understood now, why he had come to her room, he had figured it out, but why should it matter, it doesn't have her name on it, it has Austin's name on it so no one would know. "Yes but no one knows that" she said tears starting to form.

"So now everyone's a fool? The whole world.. except you!" He is angry, and Emily doesn't know why he has to be so angry. "That's not what I'm saying" she said shaking her head. "They will know Emily, nobody will believe your brother wrote this. And you dared do this on the most significant day of my career? On election day? Do you realise what you've cost me?" Emily closed her eyes annoyed with her father as her father just kept telling at her. It all bubbled up everything, Sue telling her to eat shit, her father yelling over and over, Austin changing stuff about her poem, Y/n being in distress. Everything cam to the surface. He wouldn't stop yelling, Emily stood their and took it "it's not my fault" she whispered

"Of course it is. Who else's would it be?" Emily looked angry, who's fault? Yours, you didn't win don't take it out on me! "It's not my fault you didn't win the election!" She blurted out before she could think. Mr Dickinson's palm met her cheek, she was shocked as she leaned on her desk, holding her cheek with her hand. The slap cut through the air like a knife it was deafening to Maggie's ears as she was listening from the door.


"Ladies and gentlemen!" A man with a megaphone announced to the crowd, he was wearing an orange coat and had a mask on his face "Welcome to the big top!" Emily turned around, a little disoriented as she heard someone talking "you ready Emily" "ready for what?" She asked confused "to go on, of course... they're all here to see you" the conjoined twins said as they glided out of the way "You're the star of the show." One of the twins held out her hand to help Emily down the steps of Deaths carriage. Laughing was heard as a clown with white make up came around the corner laughing.

"Ben?" She asked "good luck out there tonight it's a high crowd" he gestured with his arms how big the crowd was. "What are you doing here?" Emily smiled "I told you I was a freak" he booked Emily's nose making her laugh, but a strong man came up to him and they started making out. "tell miss acrobat she's on" the circus announcer yelled from back stage. A women in a Y/f/C leotard and purple cap, she had a pink wig on in a high bun, her feet was wrapped in cloth. "Y/n?" She called out and ran after the girl.

"Y/n" Emily called her name a second time. She smiled at the poet, who looked her up and down for a moment taking in her new look, which looked completely different from her regular clothes

"you need to go out on stage. I'll meet you out there" Emily would be lying if she said that Y/n didn't look hot in her circus attire.

Emily took a moment to compose herself as Y/n's hand was on her lower back, gentle guiding her to where she would enter.

Y/n stood next to her waiting for her name to be announced. Y/n and another girl who was dressed in a purple leotard. "Y/n and Pepper" the announcer yelled as the two walked out, grabbing their ropes, and they get pulled up. The two spun around doing different stunts. "Now ladies and gentlemen..the moment we've all been waiting for...the greatest freak of them all...." the announcer took off his hat and mask.

"a female poet" Emily walked out, the crowd gasped, a women fainted. But everyone clapped as she walked out looking confused, Y/n looked down at the poet from above the crowd, she held onto a rope as she past by her partner. Emily took off her grown revealing a lot of tattoos littered over her body. She held her hands up showing them off, everyone clapped and cheered as Emily turned around showing off the tattoos all about the poems she wrote. She was happy everyone was clapping and cheering.

Y/n dropped down from the tight roope and waved her hand Infront of Emily's face, she wasn't in a acrobat attire anymore, she was in her normal black dress. She held a candle in her other hand. "Emily?" Y/n called out "Emily"


Emily turned around to see Sue and Y/n standing next to each other "Y/n? Sue?" The women breathed heavily with tears in her eyes as she stared at the two women in the room "yeah it's us" Y/n said as she looked from her sister to Emily in concern "What happened?" She asked.

She let out a breath as a tear slipped down her cheek "I went to the circus" she whispered loud enough for both of the women to hear.


Should Y/n get into trouble for entering her song into the newspaper?

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