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Henry walked inside, placing the rake down against the corner of the wall, at the back door entrance

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Henry walked inside, placing the rake down against the corner of the wall, at the back door entrance. "Good morning Maggie" Henry spoke as he took off his bowler hat, and smiled at the Irish lady, who was cooking for lunch. Emily was leaning over her brothers shoulder, reading a scene from Othello.

"oh henry! Finished raking those leaves already, have ya?" Maggie asked and smiled at him as she wiped her batter covered hands on a rag. "Well you can never take up all the leaves" Henry spoke "why not?" Maggie asked "because God made to many of them" Emily interrupted, she looked up from the book to the two adults then back down to the book. "Exactly" Henry said to Emily making her smile. "Well then I suppose you can go down to the blacksmiths to collect those horse shoes now then" Maggie suggested as she rolled out the dough with a rolling pin.

"Oh I can't" he said then went on explaining, with Emily and Austin integrating, on how a group of thugs, were looking for the fugitive and they would take him even if he had his papers all in check, and how he wasn't in trouble with a women as Maggie suggested, because papers can be ripped and people like this would go to any length because of money, he offered to go down tomorrow, but Austin wasn't having any of it, he walked down to the blacksmiths himself, even with Henrys protests.

"Sorry to cause such a fuss" he apologised, "oh don't worry about it, I'm sure there are chores to do, there are always chores to do" Emily explained putting stress on the word 'always'

"You could always tune the piano?" Maggie suggested as she turned around and placed the tray of bread dough in the fire.

"I can tune the piano" he jumped at the idea, anything was better then going out. "I have tuned it before"

"Y/n used to play it alot, so Henry was always there to help, he is a man of many talents" Emily praised him.

"But you might say pianos are... my forte." Said henry as he looked at Emily.

"Ah!" Maggie exclaimed in understanding, Emily laughed a little before she thought of something "Oh, my God. Henry, have you ever done any acting?" She asked, looking from him to the book as she turns the pages.

Henry thought before he spoke "Not that I can recall." He looked at the Dickinson girl, "Well, this could be your big chance....We're reading Shakespeare today. Othello. You could play the lead." Emily offered, excitedly

"I don't think so." He spoke, feeling awkward, shifting from one foot to the other, he didn't feel like it was his place, or that her father would agree with him being in the play.

"But you'd be so perfect." She pushed on, still trying to get him to agree. "And you love Shakespeare, I know you do."

"Miss Emily, do you really think your father would approve?" Maggie asked as she walked around the kitchen, needing bread, checking on the bread that was rising in the oven. Emily flipped the pages then looked at Maggie as she cleaned the counter.

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