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Y/n sat in the Dickinson's household, she sat next to Sue as Austin talked to his parents, Y/n was only half listening to the conversation

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Y/n sat in the Dickinson's household, she sat next to Sue as Austin talked to his parents, Y/n was only half listening to the conversation. Y/n hugged Sue's arm and rested her cheek on her sisters shoulder afraid that if she let go Sue would die as well and leave her all alone, The Dickinson parents tried to get her to leave, but she just held tighter onto her sister.

"Well that's excellent news, we are very happy you, it's is very unfortunate about what happened to your Sister Sue and Y/n, but we are very happy you two are going to be wed" Y/n lifted her head of Sue's shoulder "you are getting married" she asked her sister, Sue nodded softly.

"So what are your plans?" Mr Dickinson asked "oh yes tell us dear" Mrs Dickinson said, "oh well nothing's set in stone, but there's a firm in Michigan, and they have offered me a position, and Sue has a cousin there?"

Y/n looked at Sue. "So what?" Mr Dickinson said, the two parents shook there heads at the idea.

"So where thinking about moving to Detroit" Y/n tightened her grip on Sue's arm, she just lost one sister from a deases, she wasn't going to be losing another to moving away. "Your leaving me!" Y/n spoke that shocked most of the family but the now oldest Gilbert. "Y/n we can visit" Austin spoke "no I will have no where to live, but because you are marrying into the Dickinson's you will" Tear floored her eyes, she was upset about everything, from Mary, to Sue, to Austin, to even Emily.

"Y/n you can live here, I mean Emily will be more then happy to share rooms" Mrs Dickinson said looking towards her husband for agreement. "That's not the point — Sue we just lost Mary, why are you all of a sudden wanted to move, I'll lost you too" Y/n spoke to her sister as if no one else was in the room.

Which to Y/n right now, no one was it was just her and Sue. She wanted to talk to her sister. Sue felt terrible about this, of course she didn't want to move.

"We can't have you moving so far, you can join my firm here" Mr Dickinson spoke.

Y/n went back to hugging her sisters arm, she was still mad but she needed support. She went to not listening to the conversation. She started listening again when Austin stood up.

"Austin collect yourself, the loft adjacent has come up to sale, I meant to purchase it, we shall build you a house, the most Morden and beautiful house, you shall oversee the designs yourself" Y/n and  Sue's attention was caught by a basket being lowered with something Inside it.

Sue raised her hand pointed at it, no one noticed "it shall be built by the fall, consider it a wedding gift"

"Austin" Sue said, the two men looked towards the oldest Gilbert. Who was pointing towards the window. Austin opened the window and took the letter from the basket.

He turned it over to see 'for Y/n and Sue' written in cursive, he opened it up was stopped by a another set of words written 'Austin give it to Y/n and Sue' he sighed before handing it to Sue's outstretched hand. She opened the little envelope and pulled out the folded note 'meet me in the Orchard' the older Gilbert handing the not to her sister who looked at it, then at her sister.

Y/n and Sue walked into the Orchard, to see Emily sitting in the tree. "Is this some kind of a joke, you're marrying my brother"

"What was I supposed to do Emily our entire family is dead, if I didn't marry Austin, we would literally stave to death"

"I understand that and I am so sorry, but Austin" Emily spoke

"Emily we are not like you, we didn't get to grow up rich. I'm sorry we don't have a perfect life like you, but I am trying to look out for my sister" Emily looked from Sue to Y/n who still clung to Sue, like a koala. Emily smiled sadly at the girl. She got off the apple tree, and down to the ground.

"Sue before you go I need you to promise me two things"

Sue nodded for Y/n to continue "one, please don't move away to michigan...... and..... two please don't love Austin more then me, I can't lost you too"

Sue looked at her sister "as far as one it's really Austin's decision and as far as two you will always be my number one favourite person, you are my sister okay" Y/n nodded and let go of her sister so Emily and Y/n could talk alone.

"I'm sorry about Mary, I really likes her" Emily said "yeah I liked her too, she was my favourite sister" Y/n replied a tear rolled down the music writers cheek, Emily wipped it with the pad of her thumb. "Well I guess since Sue is marrying Austin, I'll be your sister now" Emily said sadly, this isn't what ether of them wanted. Y/n and Emily want to get married in the future, and write together.

"Yeah" Y/n looked down towards her boots, "You don't thing Sue will forget about me right?" She asked "well I don't think that's the case" Emily pulled Y/n's hand, Y/n moved towards Emily. Emily pressed her lips against Y/n's. There lips moved in sync with each other.

Rain started sprinkling in the Orchard.


The town stood around the grave stone that had been made for Mary. Four men carried the coffin with rope towards the hole she was being buried in. Y/n and Sue stood on the other side to the Dickinson's Emily stood in a white dress as everyone else stood in black.

Emily looked towards the two sister, Y/n looked at Emily 'i love you' she mouthed to her girlfriend. Y/n grabbed Sue's hand and looked at the coffin that was now getting dirt tossed into it.


Emily and Y/n walked after Sue as she walked down the steps, Austin went towards Sue and pulled her away. Y/n sighed "I hate this" Y/n muttered.

Emily stared off into the distance. Liviana walked up to her and asked what she was looking at. "Death" she replied.

"Let's go home" Lavinia pulled the two girls with her, very concerned for Emily's wellness.

"Let's go home" Lavinia pulled the two girls with her, very concerned for Emily's wellness

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