Chapter One | Nightmare

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Part One: Past


" are we going?" The five year old me asked as I was being buckled in the backseat. "Are we going to the amusement park like you promised?"

"No, Lucian. But I will give you a chocolate if you be silent and obey us, okay?" Mom told me while dad sat in the driver's seat.

Chocolate for me was like heaven, it was one of the things I could die for, so, I nodded eagerly. "Okay, mom."

Nodding back, she sat at the front and dad drove away.

To say I had a normal, loving family would be not right...neither my parents were extremely strict neither they were loving. To sum it up, sometimes I didn't exist for them. They were too busy with their lives, too busy among them, too busy to see what I drawed in class or to appreciate me for even a moment.

Yet, that stupid organ beating inside my chest refused to give up the hope that one day, I will matter to them. I will matter to someone.

I was stupid. Hope is futile, hope is what hurts us and kills us eventually.

I should have seen it coming the moment the dark, gray clouds covered the whole sky with the promise of rain and a gloomy atmosphere enveloped us. I should have run.

The car halted infront of the large black gates and after dad said something to the guard through the window, the gate automatically opened and dad drove inside and the huge white mansion which was a contrast to the dark skies loomed over us.

I was soon being taken out of the car by mom and was carried up the steps to the front door and mom rang the bell as dad came to stand beside her.

"Where are we?" I whispered to her.

But she just told me to be silent, so I kept quiet not wanting to anger her and once again stupidly hoping that if I obey her, be a good boy, I will start to matter to her.

Some old lady opened the door and lead us inside and down the corridor to another wooden door on which dad knocked and pushed opened, walking in with mom following him.

Inside, behind the desk sat a middle aged man, around my dad's age with his platinum blonde hair styled back and his electric blue eyes scanning us. I felt scared under his gaze and pressed closer to mom and somewhere inside my mind a voice whispered me to run.

I should have listened to it maybe then I would have had a normal childhood.

Mom lowered me to the floor and dad talked to him in hushed tones but I couldn't listen to him and then mom crouched down infront of me and held my shoulders. "Now, listen. We have some extremely important work and we can't take you with us. So for the time being you are going to stay here with your dad's friend, okay?"

I frowned not liking the idea. "No, mom. Take me with you, I will not trouble you, I promise. Please."

She fixed me with a cold glare. "We can't, Lucian. You have to stay here. We will be back soon."

I felt a lump forming in my throat but I refused to cry. Mom said boys don't cry. "W-when will you come back?"

She looked unsure. "Soon..."

Dad stood beside us and gestured to mom and she got up as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

My bottom lip wobbled. "Please...take me with you...please, please..."

"We will come to pick you up soon." Dad said in his stern tone. "And don't trouble him, hmm?" He gestured to that man and he smiled at me and I didn't like his smile one bit.

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