Chapter Twenty One | All Of You

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The moment we entered his house and he closed the door, I found my front pressed against the door, my palms resting on the door on either side of body.

He swept my hair to one side and his lips latched onto my neck, pressing gentle kisses. "You are mine, Maria." He murmured possessively and bit down on my neck making me gasp and licked it with his tongue, soothing it.

I breathed heavily as his hand slipped inside my t shirt, fingers running over my stomach brushing under my breasts.

"Lucian." I moaned softly and he turned me around and crashed his lips on mine, holding my chin in between his fingers.

I ran my palm down his chest, feeling his muscles to his abs.

"What are you doing to me, Maria?" He kissed me desperately. "I just can't get enough of you, you are all I think about. You have pocessed me, love."

His words overwhelmed me so much that I just wanted to tell him how much I loved him instead I sucked his lower lip and and fumbled with the buttons on his jeans.

But he bent down and picked me up in his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and carried me up the stairs to his bedroom all the while feasting on my neck.

He placed me in the middle of the room and stepped back, panting. The predatory look on his face sent a shiver down my spine.

He ran his fingers through my hair gently before he gripped my hair at the base of my skull firmly. "Get on your knees, love." The gentleness in his tone was a stark contrast with how he gripped my hair and titled my head back.

I might have had sex once but I never did this but God, I wanted to taste him. I wanted him whole.

Without any protest, I sinked down to my knees and with trembling fingers undid the buttons on his jeans and pulled down the zipper.

I glanced up at him and the admiration in his eyes made me feel confident and without hesitating, I pulled down his boxers along with his jeans just enough to free it and gulped on seeing him so hard and long.

Swallowing my anxiousness, I touched him, unsure what to do exactly and just ran my fingers down his length and his grip around my hair tightened and he slowly guided my mouth to it.

Staring up at him, I slowly opened my mouth and he slid inside, groaning immediately as I wrapped my lips around him and he threw back his head.

"Your mouth is like heaven, love." He moaned softly as he slowly fucked my mouth. He really meant what he said earlier.

It continued for another minute as he kept pulling it out for a few seconds to let me breathe before starting again.

Tears ran down my eyes and drool down my chin and he pulled out completely and helped me up on my feet and pulled up his jeans and boxers.

He smirked as he wiped away my tears. "I don't mind making you cry for this reason."

Jesus. More moisture flooded in between my legs and he kissed me softly.

I started to unbotton his shirt but his body went rigid all of a sudden and he stopped kissing me.

"What's wrong?" I whispered against his lips.

He dropped his forehead on mine with a defeated sigh. "I...I don't get naked while having sex."

That sent a sharp pain to my heart when I realised that it must be because of his scars that he once mentioned.

I cupped his face and still asked, "Why?"

"You know exactly why."

"If you think your scars are going to disgust me then you are extremely wrong, Lucian. I don't care about them, and you don't need to be ashamed of them. They are a proof of all the battles you fought and won. Please...Luci..." I pressed the gentlest of kiss on his mouth.

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