Chapter Eighteen | Dinner?

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I snuggled closer to the warm body beside me, an arm around my waist, my face pressed into a chest.

When last night's events came back to me I realised I was cuddling with Lucian and I felt so safe in his embrace.

I didn't want to be away from him last night hence I made a stupid excuse and slept next to him and being such a cuddle lover, I must have cuddled him in my sleep. I used to do the same thing with Austin when we used to share a room as kids.

But then I remembered how Lucian called my parents as mom and dad respective and my mood soured. It's not that I don't want him to call them that... it's just...if he considers them as his parents then does he consider me as his sister?

Ever since I heard him call them that yesterday my mood had been off and he noticed that but I didn't tell him the real reason. I hope he doesn't consider me as his sister because then my heart will break further as I love him so much. More than I ever loved anyone, more than my heart can bear.

He was in a deep sleep and I didn't make any efforts to leave either, I was loving this but when there was a knock on the door and someone pushed it opened, I sprang up straight.

Lucian groaned, his eyes still closed and rolled on to his back and the door opened revealing dad.

Shit. Shit. Shit. I blushed hard when he paused on seeing us both on the same bed.

"D-dad...I-I..." I stuttered, not knowing what to tell him.

"I didn't see anything", he said nonchalantly and was quick to turn around and leave and I sighed in relief.

I was glad to have such a cool dad like him, he never questioned me relating to who I was hanging out with and if I was involved with a boy. To be honest, I was never in a relationship because for me Lucian was like an angel and I wanted him only but after he rejected me and I went to college...I did have a night stand and lost my virginity because I was very heart broken and wasn't thinking straight but that was a long ago.

"What's going on?" Lucian rubbed his eyes and his deep and hoarse voice sent butterflies to my stomach.


With half closed eyes he stared at me and before I could change my mind, I leaned down and kissed his cheek lingeringly. "Goodmorning, Luci."

His lips twitched. "Goodmorning."

Before I could start blushing even more and embarass myself further, I ran away from there and went to my own room to freshen up.


"The moment we show that video as an evidence against Hanniel King he is going to counterattack by bringing out that video of yours, he will try to get you in trouble." I spoke as we all sat around the dining table for breakfast.

Everyone listened to me attentively as Lucian sat opposite to me, I addressed him as I spoke further, "If that footage is from an angle that shows you being harassed then it will come in handy because in that case no charges will be pressed against you since you were clearly defending yourself. But we know he isn't that stupid, he is going to tamper with it and present it to the court in a way which will be troublesome for you."

Everyone nodded in agreement. "So, if we can get that original video, we will have an upper hand."

"I don't have it." Lucian said, his eyes fixed down on the table, jaw clenched. "I tried hacking into his system, I tried deleting it but couldn't."

Lucian owned a security company and he was extremely good at what he did, hacking and stuff and if he couldn't do it then I doubt anyone could.

"We don't need to delete it, we just need the video." Dad suggested.

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