Chapter Sixteen | Dad

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A Week Later...

I paused at the top of the stairs of my jet, the warm Australian sun shone brightly yet there was a storm brewing inside me.

I was back after almost fourteen months, back to the chaos, to all the drama that forced me to run away. But I was also back to my home, to my family...the family which I betrayed but have every intention of winning back even if I have to beg them.

Warm, soft fingers slid in my hand and I was jolted out of my thoughts and glanced down to Maria who stood a few steps below me. "It's going to be okay, Luci." She assured me and her words had the power to chase away my demons.

I intertwined our fingers together and followed her down the stairs to where a car was waiting for us. My company might be going down but I still had a few people who were loyal to me...or loyal to the money I paid them.

"Where do you wanna go first? Your mansion?" She asked once we sat inside the car and it drove away from the airport.

I swallowed hard and shook my head. "Take us to the Andrews Mansion." I said to the driver who nodded at me through the mirror.

" to me..."

I refused to look at her, my stomach was churning with anxiousness, my palms were feeling sweaty.

I gazed out of the window instead at the familiar scenery and realised how much I missed this place.

Maria became silent and didn't try to make me speak again, I just needed a moment alone. I needed to sort out of my thoughts, to make sure what I was going to say to them, how the hell will I even explain everything?

What if they never forgive me? Fuck no. I'll try my best, I can't lose them.

Half an hour later the car halted infront of their mansion which after all these years still had that cozy atmosphere around it.

Maria gave me a long look before stepping out and coming over to my side and opening the door for me and holding out her hand.

Hesitantly, I placed my hand in hers and stepped out, taking in a deep breath. "I'm scared."

She gazed at me softly. "It's okay to be scared, Lucian. But I am sure they are going to forgive you, they all love you. You became a part of this family a long time back and for us, family is everything. We don't let our mistakes, pain and ego get in our way. We discuss it and solve it together."

I slipped my hand out of her hers and cupped her face and rested my forehead on hers. "Just give me a minute."

Her palms came to rest over my hands and we stood like that for a moment and I somehow managed to compose myself and pulled back eventually and she gave me an assuring smile.

We walked together to the front door and she rang the bell. Fuck. Why is this so difficult? What if Calix is in there too? I am not ready to face him yet. Hell, I am not ready to face anyone but I have to do this. I need to apologise for what all I did and explain to them everything and then I need their help in cleaning up this mess. I need their support. If only they forgive me.

Ten seconds later, the door was pulled opened by Maria's mother who smiled widely on seeing Maria, her eyes widening with happiness but as her eyes slid from her to me, her smile faded away and was replaced by hurt and shock.

This woman feeded me, took care of me whenever I felt sick and was there to ask me how my day was, practically, she did a better job than my own mother and seeing how much I hurt her, I wanted to weep at her feet.

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