Chapter Twenty | Trust

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I was so engrossed in the psychological thriller I was reading late in the evening that I didn't even realise that Lucian had entered my room untill I heard him say, "Hello, love." He was leaning against the doorframe.

I shrieked as I was startled, the book dropping from my hand. I placed my palm over my heart trying to calm myself. "You could have knocked, you scared me."

He pushed himself off the doorframe and shutting the door behind him, he locked it. "I knocked three times but you were clearly engrossed in your book."

"Yeah...I was reading a scary scene." I picked up the book from the floor and placed it on my desk.

He stalked towards me and suddenly the memory of his lips on mine came back time and I blushed hard.

"It's been fifty seven hours and you didn't even call or text."

My heart fluttered, he was counting the hours?

Leaning down he placed his palms on either side of me on the armrest of the chair I was sitting in, trapping me. "What's wrong, love?"

I sucked in a sharp breath at our close proximity and the way he stared into my eyes.

" busy..." Honestly, I didn't know how to face him after that kiss so I decided to avoid him until this moment.

His lips inched closer and grazed mine ever so tenderly and my eyes fluttered closed. "Busy doing what?" He asked huskily.

"Reading." I managed to say, his lips brushing down to my jaw.

My eyes opened when the feel of his lips disappeared from my jaw and he reached behind me and picked up a book, one of the other books which was definitely not a thriller but a romance one.

He turned it around to read its synopsis before I could stop him. His lips twisted up into a smirk with every word he read and then he flipped opened the book and started to read what was inside and I flung myself at him to snatch that book.

God, I would be so embarrassed if he reads some of those scenes. Would he tease me about them?

"Lucian, no!"

I cursed our height difference as he stretched his hand upwards and continued reading, amusement visible on his face.

"Lucian." I groaned, pressing my face in his chest, feeling embarrassed. "Stop it."

His chest rumbled with laughter and he placed the book down. "I thought you were my innocent, little girl but this book says otherwise." He lifted my chin with his index finger but I kept my eyes lowered, my cheeks burning.

"Look at me, love." He rasped and his voice sent tingles straight in between my legs.

When I finally looked at him, I was taken aback by the desire swirling in his eyes and I was sure lust was etched on my face too.

"Lucian." My voice came out breathy.

His jaw clenched, the heat in his gaze intensifying. "You drive me fucking crazy, Maria." His lips slammed on mine and he nibbled on my bottom lip until I parted my lips for him and he plundered my mouth with his tongue.

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