Chapter Five | Family

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Trigger Warning: Sexual Harrasment.


If I thought my life couldn't get any worse, I was in for a surprise.

When I decided that I would stick to Calix for a while longer, I didn't know that that 'while longer' would stretch into ten years.

Calix being the stubborn one never left my side no matter how much I tried to push him away and at one point he even started calling us best friends.

If I pretended to be angry with him and tried to put up a wall around myself, he would try to bribe me with a chocolate and would say, "I know you love me." I almost punched him at that.

In the end, I gave up cause Calix Hanzall Andrews is a fucking stubborn man.

But he was the only light, only relief in my nightmare. He acted like my support and became my will to survive. He was there for me holding a candle amidst the darkness, ready to guide the way.

Calix made a huge fuss when I turned eighteen and he was an year younger than me and we were still in the 11th standard. My only focus was completing the school and getting the fuck out of that house.

Little did he know... that's when things turned much worse for me.

I had gained the attention of Mrs King the moment my features sharpened, voice deepened and I gained some height and I hated every second of it.

I hated the way her gaze lingered over my face, my body. I hated the way how she accidentally brushed past me, accidentally lost her balance and clutched my arm for support. I hated the way she was now concerned about whether I had dinner or not and how she made sure to serve me dinner herself.

It was just another day but the for the first time I was mourning the absence of Mr King and Carsten.

The house was tranquil as she served me dinner and as she leaned down to place the plate on the table, she flashed me her cleavage making my jaw clench and I lowered my eyes.

My body tensed when she came and stood beside me and ran her fingers through my hair, caressing it. "I don't remember the last time I heard you don't speak anymore, Lucian." The way my name rolled off her tongue made my stomach clench anxiously.

"Why don't you talk to me? I am like your mom, hmm? We fed you, clothed you, educated you, that makes us your parents, isn't it?"

My fists clenched and my eyes narrowed at her and I gritted my teeth. "You are not my parents."

She sighed and her fingers left my hair and pulling out a chair she sat down beside me and her palm rested on my thigh. "At least you spoke something...I sometimes feel you are mute."

Her thumb started to caress my thigh and I felt nauseated. I needed to get out of there but her fingers only tightened around my thigh holding me captive and I gulped.

I made another effort to leave and she said sternly, "I made this food for you, you can't let it go to waste."

I eyed the food infront of me and I suddenly felt wary of it, my gut told me not to eat it and I listened to it.

I didn't want to touch her but I had to as I wrapped my fingers around her wrist and removed her hand from my thigh and stood up.

"Lucian! Eat your food!" She scolded me and I didn't reply to her.

Before I could climb upstairs, she blocked my way crossing her arms across her chest. I refused to even look at her and stared over her shoulder at the stairs.

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