Chapter Nine | Chocolates

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Have some fucking self respect. I mentally scolded myself. He literally asked me to leave him alone a hundred times but I didn't...what is wrong with me?

What if he is right? What if he actually did kill Carsten King? What if he actually framed Calix for murder to bring him down out of jealousy?

But my heart was in turmoil, it refused to believe all the accusations because my stupid heart is still hung upon him. Ugh. I thought I was over him completely but look at him and I fell all over again.

And he literally fainted the other day making me so worried about him. He has dark circles underneath his eyes, he is definitely not sleeping well.

No. I shouldn't care about him. He is right, he is the last person I should be with. I won't go to him anymore and I was quite successful in executing that as I didn't see him for a whole week. I knew where he lived but I didn't go there again and neither did I happen to run into him coincidentally. Maybe he left again...maybe he was afraid I was going to tell everyone about his location...

I would never give away his location, I care about him and I don't want him to run away again. At least I know where he is and that he is okay for the time being.

I don't know how I began to develop feelings for him but it was when I was sixteen and I started to notice him. He was twenty four at that time and extremely handsome but it was not the main thing, it was his subtle gestures, like the sudden appearance of chocolates on my desk and no one having any idea about it except that Lucian was present in the house on that day or the fact that whenever I used to ask him to do anything or help me, he never refused. And before I knew it, he became like an angel to me, a fallen angel.

It wasn't something huge but...I was young and stupid and all that was enough for me to develop a tiniest of crush on him. I know he was twenty four and I was just sixteen and all that legal and illegal shit but it's not like I tried to do anything and I only confessed when I was eighteen.

His words were extremely harsh that day and they still hurt, I remember crying the whole night due to him. No one ever hurt me so badly, broke my heart so badly but at the same time no one set it on fire so badly, made my body come alive with just one look.

Maybe he just saw me like his little sister considering how dad kind of adopted him just not legally. Thank God.

I hate myself for falling for that asshole.

"Hey..." Drea waved her hand infront of me. "You look so distracted today... what's wrong?"

Sighing, I glanced at my boss/friend, Drea Zaveri, owner of the law firm I worked for and also the sweetest person to exist. We almost look alike with our same colour hair and features except my eyes as she has beautiful brown ones. Her four month old baby bump made her look cute while her face had that pregnancy glow. She was expecting her first child but her determination to work didn't wary.

"Hi, Drea..." I tried to sound cheerful. "I just was thinking about something. Is there anything you want though?"

"Not really...I was just wondering if we could go out for coffee."

I checked the time and realised that it was time to go home so nodding, I packed everything up and followed her out of the building.

And together we both drove to our favourite cafe who also happens to be owned by her friend named Atlas Raith who has the cutest three year old boy with whom I love playing.

Once we were done, she offered to drop me back home but I told her it was fine and I would like to walk around for a bit.

She bid me goodbye and left and once alone, I started to walk towards the direction of my apartment.

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