Chapter Nineteen | Reconciliation

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One kiss wasn't enough, I wanted more, a lot more. Had Calix not interrupted us I would have carried her to my bed within the next minute.

I look at your stupid face and stare into your eyes and my heart is like yeah, no shit we are not over this guy.

Her words echoed in my mind and a relief like no other filled me. She still liked me if that's what she meant by those words.

I had to kiss her, I had to make her realise that she is not my fucking sister, I never considered her that especially after she confessed having feelings for me years back.

I don't even remember the last time I kissed someone, one night stands for me was always to relieve some tension, I hardly engaged in kissing, it was too intimate for me but for Maria I gave up all my rules.

I had to taste her lips, claim them and make her realise that she was mine. Only mine.

Any fucker who is going to touch her is going to lose his hands. I'll make sure the whole world knows she is mine.

She didn't text or call me after she went away after that kiss, she did kiss me back so I hope she is not angry about me kissing her. I swear if she is embarrassed, I am going to kiss her infront of everyone and take away all her embarrassment (if I ever gathered that much courage to kiss her infront of a crowd. People make me nervous.)

But first, I needed to sort out things with Calix. He surely came to talk to me but left and I didn't see him for the rest of the day.

The next day, late afternoon, I drove to his house which was nearby and rang his doorbell.

I heard a piercing cry coming from inside the house and I winced before I heard Althea groaning, "Nevan, I swear if you don't shut up, I will start crying too."

I had to stifle my laugh as she opened the door with a crying six months old Nevan in her arms, her hair messy as if he was tugging on it and she looked exhausted.

I had known her since she was a kid, she spent half her childhood at Calix's house just like me.

"Lucian." She spoke, surprised.

The kid stopped his crying and blinked up at me with tears in his eyes, looking curious.

" Calix home?" I asked anxiously.

She nodded and stepping aside gestured me to come inside, the kid was still staring up at me, not crying anymore.

"Thank God", she muttered, sighing in relief and said to to me, "Calix is upstairs."

As soon as I started to walk to the staircase, the kid started to cry again making her groan.

I glanced over my shoulder watching her rock him gently and I walked back to her. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, he is not hungry and I have changed his diaper too but he just won't shut up. They keep troubling me like this." She looked on the verge of crying.

The kid has once again stopped crying and extended his hands out to me. I have never met him before but he seemed to recognise me and maybe he was mistaking me for Calix.

"He has seen your pictures with Calix... that's why he must be recognising you." She told me softly.

Hesitantly, I grabbed him and took her away from her and held him in my arms. He looked like a baby Calix with his big green eyes blinking at me and dark hair.

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