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I stared horrified at the three pregnancy tests in front of me. All three of them positive.

I have been suspecting it for the past one week but stayed in denial until I mentioned it to Althea and she forced me to take the tests.

"Are you done, Maria?" I heard her ask from outside the bathroom.

"Y-yeah..." My voice came out shaky and I washed my hands before opening the door.


"I'm pregnant." I confirmed with a nod.

"Oh, are you okay? Do you want it?"

I glanced down to my belly and the possibility of having a life growing inside of me excited me but at the same time scared me.

I nodded once again. "I would love to, Thea but...I am scared about Lucian's reaction. We have only been dating for two months and I am already pregnant. We never even discussed about having kids."

She gave me an encouraging smile. "I'm sure Lucian wouldn't do anything to hurt you, he loves you. You should definitely discuss it with him whenever you are ready, okay? Don't worry, everything will be fine."

I celebrated my 23rd birthday last week, I am still young, I still have a long way to go in my career but now that I am pregnant, starting a family with Lucian doesn't sound bad. Infact, I would love to have a family with him.

"Come on, now. Calix made his famous chocolate cake and let's eat some before Lucian eats it whole." She smiled, grabbing my hand and led me down.

Calix have invited me and Lucian for dinner at his house and Lucian was downstairs with him and I am so glad that they are back to being best friends, just like they were before.

Lucian was already eating the cake when we reached down and settled around the table with me beside Lucian and an eight month old Alora sat on his lap comfortably playing with a rattle.

I chuckled softly as Lucian took some frosting on his finger and held it to Alora's mouth when both Calix and Althea weren't looking.

She stared at it curiously before sticking her tongue out and Lucian made her eat that frosting and she scrunched up her nose at its taste, frowning.

"How can she not like chocolate?" Lucian whispered to me in disbelief.

"Lucian, everyone is not you." I chuckled taking Alora from him and wiped her mouth with a napkin.

She looked on the verge of crying and my eyes widened. "Lucian, what did you do? She doesn't seem to like that taste at all."

"Calix is going to kill me." Lucian murmured and tried to cheer her up.

But it didn't work as she let out a sharp cry and Calix and Althea's heads snapped to us.

Calix scowled at Lucian. "Did you make her cry?"

Lucian kept a calm face and said nonchalantly, "I don't know, she started crying on her own."

His scowl deepened and he took Alora from my hands and started to console her. "You are lying."

"He fed her chocolate frosting." I chriped in and gave Lucian a toothy grin when he shot me a glare.

Giving me one last glare he focused his attention on Calix as he kept scolding him telling him to not feed his kids random things.

Althea and I gave each other a look as we laughed at their bickering.

Once we were done with the dinner, we bid each other goodbye and I kissed both Nevan and Alora on their foreheads before following Lucian to his car.

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