Chapter Seven | Worried

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Just a reminder that those of you who have read my book "Always You", please make sure you don't comment about any spoilers as there will be the mention of the characters from that book.

And also, an extra update. Next update will be at midnight. You are welcome.


The sound of rushed footsteps behind me and the groan I heard made me turn around to see a man lying down on the ground cradling his jaw.

My eyes slid upwards and my heart beat slowed as my eyes clashed with those oh, so familiar pair of deep blue eyes. "Lucian?!"

My eyes drank in his sight, it's been an year since I last saw him and when he disappeared, I feared the worst. It was dad who told us about him being behind everything and everyone looked so broken by that information, they all loved him like a part of our family.

Only my feelings for him were different, they were romantic and according to him, they were stupid. He broke my heart when I was eighteen yet I was stupid enough to be hung upon him but gradually I managed to make my feelings fade away when he disappeared but now, he is here.

His eyes left mine to glare at that man on the ground who got up to his feet and ran for his life and Lucian glanced at me one last time before he turned around and started to walk away as if nothing happened. As if he didn't just magically appear out of no where after an year.

"Wait!" I called out to him and tugged at his sleeves to stop him.

He turned to me and I was surprised to see how empty and cold his gaze was, I have never seen him like this. They were dark and scary like the depths of the ocean, deep enough to drown you and so cold and freezing.

His dark hair which used to be so perfectly styled all the time was messy, his stubble denser and plum, pink lips set in a grim line.

"You are here..." I whispered.

He blinked slowly as if bored. "And..? Are you going to tell your brother of my location now?"

"So that you can run away again? No."

His jaw ticked. "Go back home, Maria."

"How did you find me? Were you following me?" I asked sternly.

He stepped closer and I had to calm my heart as it threatened to jump out of my chest. With a height of 6'4 and me being a feet shorter than him, he loomed over me. "I have better work to do than following you."

"Really? For the last time I checked your company is going down and down and down...I don't even know how you are surviving. Your money will run out at one point."

He looked offended. "I have saved enough money to last a lifetime."

"Whatever. Now, back to my question, why were you following me?"

"I wasn't following you, I happened to see you and that man was about to attack you." He explained after a pause.

"Oh...thanks for that though but I can protect myself damn well."

He hummed and turned around to leave.

"Hey! I wasn't done talking to you!" I called out.

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