Chapter Seventeen | Love

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Leona...or should I say mom ruffled my hair and my heart swelled with love. I told her that she was my mom and she was more than happy to hear that.

Maria have been unusually quiet ever since she heard me call them mom and dad, she even avoided making eye contact with me and that worried me.

"So, does this mean half your company is mine now? As your brother I have the right to it..." Austin nudged my shoulder with his and I rolled my eyes at him.

It's not that Austin was a complete fool, he was the COO after all, he was smart and intelligent, he just loved acting like an idiot. I have seen him working and I know he is very efficient.

"Austin..." Dad sighed. "... don't trouble him and come help me with the dinner."

He pouted like a kid before following his dad to the kitchen and mom soon left too to help them leaving me alone with Maria.

She was sitting on the couch, farthest from me lost in her thoughts so I shifted closer to her and holding her chin in between my fingers, turned her face to me.

"What's wrong?"

She forced a small smile on her face and shook her head. "Nothing...I was just wondering about how we are going to do all this but don't worry, I am going to prove you innocent."

My eyes searched hers hoping to find the real cause of her worry and nodded. "I know you will. I don't even believe in myself as much as I believe in you."

She bit her lips. "Thanks...I guess..." Her cheeks tinted.

I smiled softly at her and my fingers left her chin only to caresses her cheek and she leaned into my touch.

The urge to take her away from here and to my house was so fucking strong. I needed some alone time with her, I needed a night alone with her. Goddamn.

From the corner of my eyes I noticed dad and I dropped my hand immediately and clearing my throat put some distance between us.

If he noticed anything he didn't comment on it and said, "Dinner is ready--"

He paused when someone pushed opened the front door, our heads turning towards it and my gut already told me who it was and nervousness once again kicked in.

"Hey, dad!" Calix spoke, grinning but his face blanked the moment his eyes fell on me. Seconds trickled by and a defeaning silence engulfed us.

Austin was making his way out of the kitchen but noticing Calix standing there he muttered, "Oh, shit." And he left as quickly as possible.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Calix bellowed, eyes flickering between me and his father.

Maria was about to get up but I grabbed her arm silently telling her to keep sitting.

I slowly got up and Calix looked like he have been betrayed by his own family too.

"Calix--" I was going to explain everything but he cut me off.

"I don't wanna hear a fucking word from you!" He faced his dad. "What is going on here, dad?"

"If you let Lucian speak then it would be better." Dad spoke slowly and carefully.

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