Chapter Twenty Two | Girlfriend

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Waking up and having Maria in my arms was like heaven.

She loves me. Fuck. She loves me despite everything. This woman is fucking pure. I am going to protect her with my whole life.

I grazed my lips on her bare shoulder as her back was pressed to my chest.

Last time, I made a mistake, last time I was scared of allowing anyone in my personal space. I could have accepted her offer all those years back and taken her out on a date and she could have been mine from the start.

I pushed her away last time but not again. Never.

The way she kissed my scars last night broke my heart into pieces and healed it back together, all I wanted to was to gather her in my arms and weep.

She was mine completely and utterly and she was not going anywhere now.

She stirred against my arms and turning around wrapped her arm around my waist resting her forehead against my chest and my heart warmed knowing she felt safe in my arms.

Her eyes fluttered opened and she gazed at me sleepily. "Lucian?"

Intertwining our fingers together, I kissed her knuckles. "Yes, love?"

"You are here..." She whispered.

"Of course I am. I am not going anywhere." I assured her.

In response, she kissed my chest and I gulped trying to control myself. She must be still sore from last night, I didn't want to hurt her.

I kissed her forehead. "Are you feeling okay?"

The way she grinned at me made my heart skip a beat. "More than okay." And she blushed.

Not able to help myself, I kissed her softly, keeping the kiss short and sweet.

"Go on a date with me." It wasn't a question.

Her eyes widened. "Date? Really?"

"Yes. I haven't gone on any dates and I have no idea how all this works but I want to try my best, Maria. So, please teach me how all this works."

She smiled sheepishly and blushed at the same time. "I also never went on any date, Lucian..."

"Should we ask Calix for some tips?" She teased.

I rolled my eyes. "Calix will kill us both first then maybe he will give us the tips at our funeral."

She chuckled loudly and I wanted to capture the sound of her laughter. "No, he won't."

"Sure." I said sarcastically.

As her laughter subsided, she trailed a finger over my chest turning serious. "Did you not talk to him about us?"

I sighed. "I did, Maria. He is not that mad about us as I thought he would be. He is just worried that I would hurt you."

"Will you?"

"I would rather die."

She stared at me not saying anything before kissing me, cupping my cheek. "I trust you, Luci."

I groaned and pulled back. "Stop calling me that." I scowled at her which only made her laugh.

"Luci..." She drawled the stupid nickname she gave me, teasing me. "It's so cute just like you, how can you not like it?"

"I am not cute." My scowl deepened.

"You are."

In a swift movement, I flipped her over making her yelp. "I will show you just how cute I am." And I kissed her drowning in her gasps.

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