Chapter Eight | We Miss You

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"You need to wake up because I am freaking out here. And you are too heavy for me to carry you to the bed." And then I felt my shoulder being shaken and I heard a small frustrated groan.

My eyes snapped opened when I realised it was Maria's voice. God dammit, why can't she leave me alone? She even saw me faint, awesome.

Her face came into view as she hovered over me, the lines on her forehead bespoke concern. Ignoring her, I got up on my feet but had to grab onto the couch when I felt dizziness wash over me once again.

"When was the last time you ate and slept properly?" She planted her hands on her hips.

"Leave me alone." I muttered sternly and walking past her, I went inside my bedroom. Maybe if I lock myself in the bedroom and don't come out for hours then she will leave.

But she was right behind me and before I could close the door, she entered the room. "Now, you are going to lay down and rest while I cook something for you."

"You are not my wife or girlfriend and definitely not my mother so stop acting like that. Just leave me alone." I snapped. I am starting to pity the people she fights against in the court.

She didn't faze and just rolled her eyes. "If you tell me the truth, I will leave you alone."

"You already know the truth. I am the last person you should be with right now." My hands urged to grab her shoulders and shake her to the reality. I was a fucking monster, I betrayed my best friend, I betrayed her family, I am a murderer, she shouldn't be here. Does none of these concern her?

"That's for me to decide."

Stepping closer, I closed the door behind her, trapping her inside hoping I can somehow scare her away.

She glanced anxiously at the closed door and then stared up at me, trying to decipher what I was doing but honestly even I didn't know what I was doing.

She unconsciously pressed herself against the door as I stared down at her. "Tell me...what would your brother say about this? That his little sister is inside the enemy's you think he will like that?" My voice was low and carried a dangerous glint.

"My brother is currently in a different continent. He doesn't know what I am doing and I am an adult, I can do whatever the hell I want."

I placed my palm on the door, above her head and leaned closer. "I will say this again. Leave me alone, whatever you are thinking is not true. I killed Carsten and I am a shouldn't be here, Maria."

Her eyes flared with a challenge. "With the amount of times you have said that I will say you are trying to convince yourself rather than me."

At that moment I hated how feisty she was, how damn strong and fucking stubborn she was.

"What do you want?" I gritted my teeth.

"What I want is..." She pressed her palm to my chest and gently pushed me back. "...for you to obey me for the time being and rest for a while." She didn't remove her palm from my chest and kept pushing my back until my legs hit the bed and she shoved me down on the bed.

My eyes narrowed at her, at the satisfied curve of her lips as if she won. Maybe if I give her this, she will leave me alone.

"What--" My words died when he placed her index finger against my lips to silence me.

The feel of her finger pressed to my lips shot a flare of desire through my body and I cursed myself. She is the last person I should think of in that way. But that didn't stop my eyes from flickering to her pink, luscious mouth, to her curves, to the swell of her breasts and down to her long, smooth legs.

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