Chapter Twelve | Smile

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I couldn't sleep knowing Maria was sleeping in the room opposite to mine. She was sleeping in my house. What the fuck is happening in my life? She is getting way too comfortable but hell, I just can't seem to leave her alone.

I am acting like a stalker, following her the whole day, making sure she doesn't run into trouble and it's not like I have anything better to do. But fuck, she is messing up with me unknowingly, my thoughts are occupied by her and I seem to lose all sense of logic around her.

Seeing that man's hands all over her yesterday at the club provoked a sense of possessiveness inside me which should never have been provoked but the thought of any other man touching her makes me see red which is not good.

She is not mine and she never will be and honestly, she shouldn't be. I shouldn't even have such thoughts about her.

And then that dress she wore, fucking hell. I was seconds away from pinning her to the bed last night and fucking her raw.

All this is so wrong. Determined to end this madness, I got freshened up and decided to wake her up and tell her to leave and from now on, I am not going to follow her around like a bodyguard. She is capable of protecting herself and she will be just fine.

I knocked on her door and heard her sleepy voice from the other side, "Mhmm?" Which sounded a lot like a moan and mentally groaning, I stopped myself from banging my head against the wall. Deep breaths.

Pausing for another second, I pushed opened the door and stepped inside. She was on the bed on her back, the duvet anywhere but on her body and the t shirt I gave her had ridden up to her waist giving a clear view of her white lace panties. Where the fuck are the sweatpants I gave her and why isn't she wearing them?

The tips of my ears burnt and I instantly lowered my eyes, my fists clenching. "Get up and freshen up." And please cover yourself before I do something stupid.

"Mhmm..." She mumbled and I heard the sheets rustling and I could see her placing her feet on the floor but wincing.

"Lucian?" She called.

Hoping she was decent, I looked up and she stared at me with a sad pout on her face looking so fucking cute and innocent, it made my heart jolt against my chest.

I cleared my throat. "What?"

"I can't walk like ankle is paining."

Sighing, I walked to her and picked her up in my arms and this time she didn't protest and held my neck for support, her eyes not leaving my face. I tried not to focus on the intensity of her gaze, the admiration in them, I was not fucking worthy of those.

Inside the bathroom, I made her sit on the toilet seat and left the bathroom saying, "Let me know when you are done."

Two minutes later, I knocked. "Are you done?"


I entered the bathroom and found her standing while supporting herself with the countertop of the wash basin and washing her hands.

I shot her a glare. "I told you to call me in." And as she finished washing her hands, I picked her by the waist and made her sit on the countertop.

I took out a new toothbrush and scooping out some toothpaste on it, handed it to her.

A tint of pink coated her cheeks as she took the toothbrush from me and I stood there with my hands folded and waited for her to finish.

When she was done, she washed her face and picking up the towel I held her chin in between my fingers holding her face firmly as I wiped it gently.

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