Chapter Thirteen | Murderer

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I can't remember the last time I saw him smile. The moment his lips curled up, my breath was stolen away. Holy shit. His smile might not be a huge one but that small smile made a huge difference to his usual grumpy/poker face.

I loved how relaxed his face looked and how beautiful his smile was, fuck that, he was beautiful. Period.

Seeing the stunned look on my face, his smile faded away quickly but I wasn't done capturing it in my mind and heart. I wanted to see that once more.

So being an idiot, I put my fingers to his lips again and started to stretch them. "No. Keep smiling, your smile is so beautiful."

His eyes dropped to my fingers that were on his lips and his jaw ticked and his voice turned low. "Stop touching my lips."

"" I pulled them back instantly and then I smiled awkwardly. "Nice lips though...soft...and pink...and--" What the hell am I even saying?

His eyes darkened as they flickered to my lips and he raised a brow and I shut my mouth. When he leaned closer, his eyes fixed on my lips, my breath hitched.

He lifted his hand to my face and ran his knuckles down my cheek. "Don't touch me like that again unless you are ready for the consequences, love." His husky voice whispered to me and lust slammed into me with full force making me cross my legs.

I was so tempted to touch him like that again and see what he would do but the rational part of my brain screamed at me to not do anything stupid, that I was infact not ready for it.

And then he did the last thing I expected him to do...his lips grazed the corner of my mouth gently, like a feather brushing against my skin but enough to make the butterflies erupt in my stomach.

He didn't meet my eyes when he pulled back and simply just got up and left me alone.

I swear to God if he starts to ignore me now, I will kill him.

But he didn't, instead he came back with a packet and the keys of his car in his other hand and he handed the packet to me in which was my last night's clothes and I blushed when I saw my bra inside it too...he didn't have to touch that.

"Why didn't you wear the sweatpants I gave you last night?" He asked.

"They were too large...there was no point in wearing them." And his t shirt was so freaking comfy and smelled like him. I had such a peaceful sleep in them.

"And can I keep this t shirt?" I grinned. Plus I am not sure he would like it back after what all I did in it last night...I blushed hard remembering it. I shouldn't have though but he made me so aroused...I couldn't help it.

He eyed me from head to toe and then nodded.

"Thank you, Luci!" I exclaimed, a little too enthusiastically just to annoy him and his eyes narrowed when he heard me call him Luci.

"My name's Lucian." He corrected.

I shrugged. "But Luci sounds so cute-cute."

He opened his mouth to say something but he seemed to change his mind. "Nevermind, I am not going to argue with you and give myself a headache."

"Yeah, you shouldn't. I am a lawyer."

He shook his head slightly and picked me up in his arms told me to hold the packet while he carried me to the elevator.

Inside the elevator, I rested my cheek against his shoulder and stared up at him while he kept staring at the elevator's doors.

In the mood to mess with him, I leaned closer and pressed my lips to his cheek. "Thank you, Luci for helping me."

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