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Chapter 2: Dating Scandal!

"Now who forgot to announce that idol and actor Kim Taehyung got a new manager"Seo Joon yelled slamming the table.

"PR team you four had one job"they all bowed mumbling apologies"release a statement now"

He left the office and screamed when a glaring Taehyung stood before him"i want whoever forgot to get fired"with that he walked away.

"This damn kid","what did he say"Woo shik asked taking a sip of coffee"give me that and get back to work"he snatched the mug marching to his office.


Jennie was told not to leave her apartment for her safety but never knew why"WHAT"

"I know I was shocked Starforce are probably gonna release a statement soon don't worry I won't write an article about it"Jennie was still in shock of what Irene told her.

"I can't believe this so that's why I was informed to stay in my apartment for safety I would've got killed if I stepped out"Irene laughed.

"You would've gotten eaten alive"Jennie gulped covering herself with the blanket as if it would protect her from the anger of Taehyung's crazy obsessed fans.

She sighed"yah Bae Irene when is it safe to come out"the other girl on the phone laughed"just wait 2 hours after Starforce entertainment PR teams release the news and your free"

Jennie smiled pushing the blanket off and stood up jumping on the bed"I gotta go talk to you later"but the overexcited girl kept on screaming"im free"


"Why do you wanna visit her house again"Namjoon one of Taehyung's idol friends said"she's probably freaking out"

Namjoon laughed"i wonder why"Taehyung shook his head looking outside the window into the beautiful view.

"We're here"Taehyung thanked Namjoon and looked at the building"does she really live here I guess she must be wealthy she was wearing some expensive brands yesterday"

He knocked on the door but no answer,he rang the doorbell but also no answer he had enough and prepared both hands.

He started knocking multiple times while at the same time clicking the door bell button and the door finally opened and in front of him stood Jennie with a towel wrapped around her body.

Her eyes widened and she shut the door freaking out she immediately put her clothes on and opened the door"hehe uh come in Taehyung-shi"

He admired the beautiful decorations of her apartment the love she has for green and art work.She had two dogs which one of them reminded him of his beloved dog Yeontan.

"That's Kuma and the other one is Kai"he looked at her and she handed him the cup of orange juice"I have the same breed"her eyes lit up and a big smile appeared on her lips.

"Omo maybe Yeontan and Kuma can have a play date one day"he looked away a smile forming on his lips"yeah maybe"she awed and he felt his heart skip a beat.

Usually he hates girls who do cringy things or act cute but she looked cute at the same time a very sexy woman with class.

"okay let's get going the faster we finish it means we can rest..and Don't worry my fans won't attack you"Jennie smiled nervously nodding hesitantly.


As always Jennie drove while he layed back with his eyes closed"you have a podcast with Eric Nam"he nodded staying the way he is.

Jennie stopped and he opened his eyes seeing her looking at a menu"what are you doing"she looked back at him.

"Uh..I'm getting some lunch you want some"he sighed shaking his head"hurry"and got back to his previous action.

Jennie rolled her eyes and ordered,thankfully the food didn't take long and they arrived early.






Jennie smiled as they walked inside the building while fans screamed not just for Taehyung but her too"Taehyung my friend how are you doing"

The two caught up on each other's lives and sat down to start the podcast"your fluent in english right"

Taehyung nodded and the shooting started"today we have everyone's favorite star"Eric Nam beamed making Taehyung chuckle.

"Hello I'm Taehyung yeah"they both laughed and Jennie watched as they spoke about many things and she learned more things about him noting them down.

He speaks so many languages.Japanese,English,Korean,Chinese,a bit of french well it is his favorite place to visit.

"Are you gonna act in any future kdramas"Eric asked knowing his fans love to hear about his upcoming work.

"Well I might but still looking for one"Eric nodded sipping his water"I heard your having a concert in 2 months in Korea,LA and Japan I'll make sure to attend all three"

Taehyung laughed nodding holding the cup of water in his hands"now the question everyone has been dying to know"

Jennie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion"are you dating anyone"Eric said glancing at Jennie and Taehyung smiled looking down.

"No I'm very much single not really looking for a relationship"Jennie noted that down but didn't know why she did.

He looked at her and smiled seeing she's trying to gather more information about him is kinda cute.

He liked it for some reason.


Hello loves <3

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I'll make sure to update soon with a longer chapter and a very interesting cliffhanger.

I <3 you

I <3 you

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