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Chapter 22: We meet again

Jennie looked at herself in the mirror as the makeup artist added a few touches to her face finishing off"alright your all ready and looking so beautiful"

She smiled at the kind compliment"I'll give you five minutes for yourself"the stylist said bowing then left the dressing room leaving Jennie by herself.

She sighed already getting stressed about working with a male she's never been in contact with a male for a year,Irene and Nayeon always tried setting her up on blind dates but she wouldn't show up.

"Alright everyone let's get in positions our guests will be here"the photographer announced and everyone obeyed,soon the car parked and one of them warned the others.

The three entered the set and the staffs all bowed"hello mr Woo shik,Tae-song..Taehyung what a pleasant surprise we're happy to have you the big star here"

Jennie stood up checking herself in the mirror before exiting to see everyone is gathered around and the photographer talking to someone"oh there she is our beautiful star"the two turned around while the other male looked down at his feet.

"Oh- is that-"she smiled seeing the two and approached them"Woo shik oppa Tae-song-ah"hearing that soft angelic voice which always turned his upsetting state into a happy and bright one.

His eyes immediately met hers and her smile dropped,they just stood there staring at each other ignoring the rest of the people in the room,Woo shik noticed and cleared his throat"Jennie it's been long"

Her teary eyes moved away from his now dark orbs filled with hatred and despise to her"we missed you"she smiled at Tae-song then looked at her manager who noticed her state.

"photographer it alright if Jennie takes 5 minutes"the man nodded and the girl immediately ran inside her dressing room locking it and finally let everything out crouching down against the door.

Her tears fell remembering how happy she was with him and how much she wished they wouldn't meet again because she felt so guilty and didn't want to look weak whenever seeing him,the look he gave her of disgust broke her heart even more...but she deserved it.

She broke his heart and he has every right to do the same..it's just she's too selfish to let him she's afraid he'll hurt her feelings she's heard all over the news how he hasn't been himself ever since he came back from Daegu.

He became too honest and cold,not afraid to tell people what he feels not caring if he hurts their feelings or not..it didn't matter to him anymore because his feelings were hurt and he'll do the same to people.


After calming herself down and getting her makeup done again she finally had the courage to leave her dressing room and found them waiting for her"sorry for taking too long"she bowed apologetically.

His eyes weren't able to focus on anything but her,he wanted to convince himself he hates her but it's a lie because everytime he sees her he fights the urge to run into her arms and keep her safe,his thoughts were cut when the photographer clapped for them to start.

His eyes met hers that were already staring at him but looked away immediately when he caught them"Jen"Tae-song said placing his hand on her back and smiled at her.

She glanced one last time at Taehyung before walking with him to discuss with the photographer the first concept"Tae-song is playing a bad boy in his new kdrama and he's met his match so they're basically enemies"Woo shik explained what the kdrama was about.

"Alright then let's go Jennie sit on the desk and Tae-song-ah you place your hand on the desk and lean your face closer to Jennie's"the two nodded following the instructions.

"We need to try and give bit of hints for his fans"the photographer said preparing his camera"alright you two stare intensely into each other's eyes"Taehyung crossed his arms scoffing as the two were staring in each other's eyes which he didn't like.

"I can't"Tae-song looked away getting nervous by her stare"what's wrong"Jennie asked worriedly and the boy felt guilty for making them have to do this again"i just don't know how i-"

The photographer sighed looking around"ah Taehyung I didn't know you were still here how about you show him how by being in his place along with Jennie"he widened his eyes and Jennie fiddled with her fingers.

"Come on hurry up"Taehyung approached Jennie and she took a deep breath sitting on the desk and he portrayed the same movement Tae-song was doing"perfect now stare in each other's eyes"

Jennie looked up and his eyes focused on hers,she felt butterflies in her stomach as he stared at her lips for a brief second but drowned back in her eyes"long time no see"he whispered and she broke the eye contact"that was very perfect now Tae-song"

Taehyung smirked at her before walking away and stood next to Woo shik not taking his eyes off of her and it bothered him the way they kept laughing and having fun together"hyung I'll be in the van"

After the photo shoot ended Jennie looked around as she thanked the staff but he was nowhere to be found but why does she care anywhere right?


I'm back :) -UNKNOWN




SOOO..how did you find this chapter I'll also update tomorrow but I'm not sure if I'll update "IDOL" or "Promise" I'll think😏😉



Btw Jin left to the military :( I'm gonna miss him😭😭 but I'm so proud🙌

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