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Chapter 26: Fansign

"It's been long since you've done a fansign are you excited"Taehyung looked at Woo shik and smiled"yeah it's really great interacting with fans where is manager Kim"

Woo shik looked at his watch then around"she'll be here so-","I'm here wooh"she muttered trying to catch her breath"right on time come on let's get in the car"

He got in the drivers seat and left the two standing there awkwardly"ladies first"Taehyung said opening the car door and flashing his charming smile.

She bit her bottom lip preventing a smile from showing her emotions,he sat next to her catching a few glances every time her eyes get distracted.



CAPTION: After a while Taehyung and Jennie are seen together at the place where his fansign is held looks like Jennie is back to being his manager but what happened before? @thv @jennierubyjane

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CAPTION: After a while Taehyung and Jennie are seen together at the place where his fansign is held looks like Jennie is back to being his manager but what happened before? @thv @jennierubyjane

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"Ahhhh Taehyung-ah"

"Wah so handsome"

"Taehyung oppa"

"Oppa hiiii"

Cheers and screams echoed the auditorium as he entered waving at his fans standing in line"hello everyone"fan girls screams was all that was heard and he laughed.

"Let's make sure everyone is okay while we're having fun let's not push alright thank you now let's start"he handed Jennie the mic and she stood next to him.

An hour and a lot of laughs and funny situations happened"oppa"a fan yelled and Jennie handed him the mic for the millionth time"yes"he imitated the fans's yelling"did you help Namjoon oppa and Jisoo unnie with their relationship"he laughed.

"Maybe..maybe not"at the mention of the two Jennie smiled remembering the misunderstanding which brought her and Taehyung closer"Jennie unnie your really pretty"her gummy smile appeared and he looked at her then diverted his eyes back to signing as a smile crept onto his face.

"Hi oppa"the fan said and he held her hand"oppa may I ask a question"he nodded and she approached her face closer whispering"are you and Jennie unnie friends or more"he looked at Jennie then back at the fan and smiled"what do we look like"

Her jaw dropped and she giggled while he signed her photocard of him"alright that was it everyone it was really fun I hope we can repeat it again soon I love you all make sure to get home safely"

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