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Chapter 16: Dangerous

Jennie smiled feeling excited to be back home and see her little family but didn't expect to find her house trashed and blood drops around"Kuma Kai where are you"

Her tears fell and she covered her mouth opening the puppies room and her scream echoed through the house"oh my god Kuma"she held the dying puppy in her hand.

"Where is Kai"she carried the bleeding puppy in her hand and looked around to find Kai coming through the door with Taehyung who gasped.

"Jen are you okay"she cried and he looked in her hands to find Kuma"come on let's take him to the hospital love he'll be okay"she nodded as he helped her put on her coat.


Her head spun at each step she took praying that her little dog her only best friend the only thing left from her grandparents that little creature protected her and was always with her after their death.

"Jennie love Kuma will be alright sit down and rest"she shook her head biting on her nails still pacing around and it amazed him how much she cared for a dog but he can't blame her he'd do the same for Yeontan.

As soon as the doctor left the room she rushed towards him"is he okay"the man gave her a little smile"he's fine but it'll be hard for him to walk"

He almost walked away but stopped"uh miss I think you should secure your place because it seems like someone stabbed your dog"her eyes widened and she felt her heart drop at how this person is willing to do anything to hurt her or loved ones.

Her vision turned blurry and within seconds everything turned black and her body fell back to be catched by Taehyung"Jen Jen wake up"


The PR team stood as Taehyung entered the office while they were having a meeting with Seo joon"Taehyung we're having a meeting right now"

He slammed the table"I don't fucking care Leader Han-byul please try to find who this number could be"he said showing her the number of the unknown person who he found out also seems to threaten Jennie and want to hurt her.

"Uh sure but is there a reason"he sighed rubbing his temples"pd nim this person has been threatening manager Jennie and me..sadly today they hurt her puppy and their intention was obviously to kill the poor dog and they've been trying to hurt her"they all gasped.

"Is she alright"he closed his eyes shaking his head"can you please help find out who it is and text me when you do"she nodded and he ran out rushing to stay by Jennie's side.

"Let's get working then"Seo joon announced and the three left the office to solve the problem they're dealing with"I promise to keep you safe Jennie Kim..I have to that was a promise to your mom"


"Woo shik hyung"the boy called as one of staff handed him water after finishing a scene in his kdrama"where is manager Kim? I haven't seen her today"

Woo shik smiled throwing his arm around Tae song's shoulder"she's not feeling well today hopefully soon she'll be better and attend all your kdrama shootings"the latter sighed as his substitute manager walked away to talk with the director.

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