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Chapter 25: Painful

"How does it feel to be finally out from the hospital"Taehyung laughed"so good but hyung where is my manager she hasn't came to my room ever since that day and I haven't seen her in the hospital"

"Oh Jennie is waiting for us back in Korea but are you sure you don't want to take a week break before starting schedules"Taehyung shook his head smiling"I have a fan meeting with my fans there's no way I'd miss it"

The younger one came rushing to them"the driver is here hyung,welcome back Tae hyung"the older smiled which shocked Woo shik since the ladder used to always express his hatred towards him for being too close to Jennie.

"Let's go I can't wait to see pd nim Seo joon"the three laughed and helped Taehyung walk to the car.


"That's the last one oof this is hard"Jennie laughed and the two girls looked at each other then back at her"are you really leaving a career you just started which is your dream to go back to being his manager"

She sat down drowning the cup of soju"yeah what's wrong with that I missed my old job besides I missed Korea as well"Nayeon sat beside her and hugged her"it's alright Jen let it all out"the youngest broke into tears as pain and sorrow took over her.

"He forgot about me how can he do that to me unnie it hurts my heart hurts"Irene hugged her as well and she cried in the arms of the only two people she'll ever trust or show her weakness to.

"Shh..he'll remember just don't give up"she covered her face sobbing"but the doctor said there's very low chances of him ever remembering anything and trying to remember will only hurt him"

Her two best friends looked at each other feeling bad for their little one suffering'her mom'Nayeon mouthed to Irene who nodded sighing.


Claps and cheers echoed the company as his presence filled the hallway"Taehyung-ah our big star"Seo joon said pulling the boy in his arms.

"Welcome back Taehyung"he stared at the woman and smiled"thank you,you look familiar"she giggled"Kim Ji-won"his eyes widened.

"Wah like the legend"her and Seo joon laughed"she's Jennie's mom"he stared at her for a while and smiled"i can see the similarities"

"Yah what are we doing here I start tomor-"Jennie widened her eyes and the two girls waved smiling"Jennie"Ji-won teared up it's been long since she saw her only daughter"eomma"

Her eyes met Taehyung's and the world stopped,he stood there but with a different smile this one was a friendly smile but her Taehyung would open his arms with a very bright and loving smile.

"Jennie"Irene finally got her back to her senses and she realized she's been staring at him for too long"Mrs. Kim we were hoping you could help Jennie"the youngest glared at the two girls.

"I don't need help especially not from her now if you'll excuse me"she turned her back"if you want I can help"she stopped in her trace clenching her fists"I don't need anyone's help"

She left from there and when finally left the building she let everything out crouching down on the ground,she felt a pair of arms wrap around her and she let the person comfort her as she sobbed.

"Shh..It's okay love"his deep voice and the nickname he called her,she had so many but this one would always make her feel loved by him.

She stared in his eyes and he smiled,her feelings couldn't hold it anymore and she attached their lips together cupping his cheek while her tears stained his cheeks.

His eyes were wide open but he didn't push her because it felt right to him,her warmth,it felt like she put so much love in that kiss,the way she slowly kissed him passionately made him think maybe they're more than just co-workers or friends maybe something more?






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Listen to Pano by Zack Tabudlo it's so😞😭

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