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Chapter 19: Reunited

Jennie yelped when Taehyung caught her in his arms"haha I got you"she giggled trying to get out of his grip"come on love we gotta eat"

She rolled her eyes"fine let me go put something on"he nodded kissing her cheek and letting her go"hurry"he laughed when she rolled her eyes.

The week they spent in Daegu made him forget he didn't even wanna be here,she made him forget the terrible things that he didn't want to remember coming here.

Her smile,her laugh,the way her eyes shined when excitement took over her,it made him realize he found happiness that he's been looking for.

Someone to love him and care for him,that's all he wanted ever since he was a kid"i'm done how do I look"she winked spinning around"gorgeous as always my love"


He sat in front of her with an irritating smirk on his face"you haven't changed one bit"he rolled his eyes glaring at her"listen sweetheart I don't give a fuck about us being in public I will not tolerate your attitude just because your a famous superstar"

She scoffed leaning closer"i'd like to see you try motherfucker"he tsk'ed knowing she planned something against him if he did anything that would cause her scandals or dowfall of her reputation"what do you want from me"

She sat back in her chair crossing a leg over the other"Jennie has to know"his eyes softened at the mention of his daughter"how is she"Ji-won sadly smiled letting out a deep sigh"she hates me"

"I don't blame her"she clenched her fist"oh please you don't get to blame it all on me"he scoffed meeting her eyes"Ji-won you chose fame over our love and didn't even tell me you were pregnant until after two years of her being born and never let me see her"his eyes watered remembering the horrible past.

"Oh please did you think I'd let you see her with your drunk state"he slammed the table and a few people glanced at them but minded their own business"I don't blame her for hating you Ji-won because you don't deserve getting any love from anyone you chose the money and attention over our happy family and ruined me it's your fault I didn't get to see my daughter you know how much I wanted us to have a child I had so many things planned for family trips and hang outs things I wanted to teach her but you took that away from me because your a selfish bitch who could've been there with her through her childhood but I always saw you on tv and you even lied about being married or having a fucking child"

Both of them were now in tears feeling guilty of not giving their daughter the love she deserved and needed"you know nothing you jerk"she said grabbing her purse and left.


Jennie took a bite of her cotton candy as her and Taehyung walked around the amusement park searching for a game they haven't rode yet"aren't you tired?"

She looked at him"what are you saying There's no way me Nayeon unnie and Irene unnie would stay here till it's almost closing and ride all the games all over again"he smiled hearing her close friendship with the two girls she's been talking about all day but he hasn't even met them,the people who make her happy.

"When am I gonna meet these girls and ask for your hand"she stopped walking and looked at him who had a big smile on his face"w-what"

He approached her closer cupping her cheek"I said when will I be able to ask them to marry you or will I have to ask your parents"tears formed in her eyes at the mention of her parents and he noticed getting worried if he said something wrong.

"Jen is something wrong did I I say uh something"he said wiping her tears but she just hugged him sobbing in his chest while he stood there taken aback by her sudden tears and emotions.


"When are you gonna tell Jennie"her eyes met his and she sighed looking down at her feet"i don't think she would care"he smiled sitting next to her.

"Trust me if I know anything about Jennie since the time she's been working for me is that she cares about people and even if she says she hates them she feels bad and regrets her words Jennie doesn't hate you Ji-won"

She tied her hair in a ponytail laying her head on the couch pillow"her and Taehyung seem close"he smiled nodding remembering the looks of love the two gave each other.

"They're probably on a date in Daegu right now"a smile appeared on her lips and she rested her head on his shoulder"I really hope he takes care of her and gives her the love she deserves unlike me and her father"

He placed his hand over hers"when Taehyung gets attached to someone he never lets them go he's a good boy with a sad past that's why he's afraid to let go of people he loves"


Jennie laughed when a funny scene in the movie appeared"your really enjoying this huh"she nodded snuggling to him closer"i thought you were more into romantic movies"

She cheekily smiled hugging him"well yeah but I like all kind of movie types"he caressed her hair rubbing her back smoothly and she felt safe in his arms.

"It's not I didn't like your question..but I've never been in a relationship and you sounded so sure of what you were saying"her hazel eyes looked in his brown ones and his boxy smile showed.

"I'm sure I wanna go that far with you Jennie Kim"her eyes couldn't move away from his and her cheeks turned red"I love you Taehyung so much I can't even explain it with words"

"Well then show me"she giggled straddling his lap attaching their lips together kissing gently and passionately"you wanna continue or watch the movie"

She took her shirt off responding to his question and he smirked"your so fucking sexy"but...knock knock.

"Ugh I'll get that"she laughed at his grumpiness as he exited the theatre room heading downstairs and opened the front door only for his eyes to open wide and the memories to return of his worst nightmare.




Soooo how is this chapter😏

I made it longer a bit😅

How are we feeling so far?

Taehyung past?

Jennie's past uncovered👍

His dad suddenly shows up😏😏

Are you all ready to find out about Taetae's past???

I <3 YOU

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