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Chapter 10: feelings

Jennie's eyes fluttered open at the sound of her alarm ringing in her ear"aish I hate this"

A giggle made her turn to the door and find Taehyung already dressed up and waiting for her"finally your awak"she groaned standing up.

"Hurry and finish getting ready I'll be waiting downstairs"she nodded scratching her hair while her lips pouted.

She ran to the bathroom taking her clothes off and turned the shower on standing under it feeling the hot water run down her body energized her.

She ran to the bathroom taking her clothes off and turned the shower on standing under it feeling the hot water run down her body energized her

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(A.N: Outfit.can't forget the foundrae necklace😏)


Taehyung stood beside her warming up for the concert and then again noticed the necklace"why do you always wear that necklace"

She looked at him and touched her necklace"it's special it's telling me to follow my dreams and heart it's foundrae there's even a bracelet of it"

He hummed still admiring the shiny golden necklace"it suits you"she smiled and he couldn't help but look away feeling his heart beating fast.

"Taehyung come on go out there"he smiled holding Jennie's hand causing her to gasp"time to have fun again"she looked at her outfit and shook her head.

But he laughed dragging her out with him on stage"helloooo los Angeles it's Taehyung anddddd..."he turned the mic to her"Jennie"

He smiled"let's have fun woohooo"


Jennie groaned slumping herself on her bed"this is so tiring why did I sign up for this again"she whined covering her body with the duvet,her phone rang and she sighed grabbing it lazily from the night stand.

"Hello this Jennie Kim"she smiled when heard two girls scream"JENNIE WE MISS YOU"her eyes lit up and she felt so much better hearing her best friends's voices.

Irene,Nayeon and Jennie became friends when Jennie became a high schooler and her mother was away for her career while her grandparents took care of her but when they passed away these two took care of her like their younger sister,Irene is older than them in two years,Nayeon is older than Jennie in a year.

They're her home,the shoulders she could lean on and cry in their arms as they comfort her and tell her everything will be fine,take her out to eat and have fun just to see a smile on her face.

"I miss you too bitches"she beamed and they laughed feeling happy to finally be able to talk with each other after so long"yah jen bear when are you coming back"

Jennie giggled at the image of Nayeon pouting"soon babe"she diverted her attention to Taehyung who knocked on the door"uh..girls I'll talk to you later"

The two started making weird sounds causing her to roll her eyes at their silliness"good bye bitches"

She hung up and looked at the tall boy leaning on the door with his arms crossed admiring her from top to bottom.

She cleared her throat and his eyes met hers"how about we watch a movie"a smile appeared on her lips and she jumped up nodding excitedly.


Jennie screamed again gripping Taehyung's hand as a jump scare happened.They sat down in the theatre room in Taehyung's home which was another thing Jennie was surprised about.

"Yah why did you pick a scary movie"he laughed at her grumpy face"i can't believe y- ahhh"she yelled jumping on his lap hiding her face in his neck wrapping her arms around him.

She slowly raised her head to meet his dark orbs forgetting about the movie they stared at each other in that position and he couldn't help but cup her reddish cheeks.

His face inched closer to hers and she closed her eyes waiting for the butterflies to rush in..ringggg.

They were startled by Taehyung's phone ringing and Jennie finally got her sense back pushing herself away from him.

He smiled picking up the call"hello Kim Taehyung here"a minute of him humming and nodding and the call ended.

"I have a photoshoot with someone after my concert in Korea"she nodded looking elsewhere"i- uh I'm feeling sleepy make sure to r-rest good night"with that she rushed out to her bedroom and he laughed finding her clumsiness cute.


Jennie closed the door panting"what was that? Aish why is it so hot"she mumbled shaking her head"no I'm not..I don't..do I?"

She threw herself on the bed trying to shake those thoughts off and got startled when someone knocked on the door and knew it was Taehyung,her heart beat faster than ever knowing she's gonna have to face him after that awkward moment.

She stood up walking towards the door and placed her hand on the door knob twisting it,as soon as it opened her and Taehyung looked in each other's eyes.

He walked towards her and pulled her by her waist,she placed her hands on his chest and he cupped her flushed cheeks then...smashed his lips on hers.



Anyways hello loves <3

Don't worry they didn't do it he just kissed her😂

How do we feel about Taehyung's actions?

What do you think will happen?

I <3 YOU

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