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Chapter 28: Taehyung's Birthday

"You don't think Woo Shik oppa is mad at me for not showing up that day right?"Taehyung laughed caressing her hair"baby it's been 4 days I don't think he even remembers"she nodded sitting on his lap.

"Tomorrow is your birthday are you excited"she muttered brushing her lips against his"mhm I can't wait"she giggled nuzzling into the crook of his neck while he patted her back"this is so nice"

He chuckled"it is"she looked in his eyes and he smiled before cupping her cheek and placing his lips on hers"this is even better"she rolled her eyes and he laughed wrapping her legs around his torso and standing up"yah Kim Taehyung"


"Everything needs to be perfect Rosie it's a special day"the blondie rolled her eyes continuing to eat her cupcake"chill Jen he's just turning 27"the brunette glared at her taking her cupcake.

"Yah not my cupca- oh who is he?"Jennie looked behind her and laughed"that's Jimin Taehyung's dance choreographer and next to him is J-hope a rapper and an amazing dancer"the blondie kept her eyes at the man who caught her attention.

"Oh great i bet she'll choose him over food"Rosé gasped snatching her cupcake from Jennie's hand"never men are ew but he's an exception although I would not choose him over food,Jen food over anything trust me"

The ladder laughed and her phone pinged causing her to smile"Taehyung will be here in a few minutes everyone hide"Jennie ran hiding behind the table and Woo shik smiled at her"oppa I'm sorry I didn't show up that day I was just-","uh what are you talking about I just arrived today I was with my family"

Jennie looked at him confused but shrugged it off focusing on surprising Taehyung but her phone pinged and she smiled widely thinking it's Taehyung but it faded once she saw who it was.

You wanna know who I am? Come meet me at this address xxx or Taehyung's birthday gets ruined :)


Jennie ran inside the restaurant seeing no one but the lights turned on"hello? Is anyone here?"she heard footsteps and looked behind her to see someone wearing a black hoodie locking the door making her gulp.

"Who are you?"the person had their back facing her and she spotted a fork on the table grabbing it and putting it in her pocket"show yourself you son of a bitch"

The person laughed and she widened her eyes recognizing that laugh very well"oh come on manager Kim don't be such a party pooper"she backed away not believing her eyes"y-you"


"Taehyung happy birthday"the boy smiled looking around and Woo shik noticed"if your looking for Jennie she left before you arrived saying her mom was in the hospital and she'll be back"

Taehyung nodded sipping his drink"oh Taehyung our star the birthday boy"Seo joon said hugging the youngster patting his back"Taehyung-ah happy birthday"his smile faded once he realized"hyung didn't you say-"

He was interrupted by a familiar phone buzzing"oh she left her phone here"Taehyung opened it checking that she got a message from Jisoo telling her they're almost there and then a number caught his attention.

He immediately checked it on his phone and his eyes widened"shit"once he reviewed the message immediately running out of there.


"Noona why don't you like me?"Jennie tried screaming but the tape on her mouth made it hard for her and she was getting tired as she tried breaking out from the ropes around her body and legs"oh are you hoping hyung comes and saves you"he laughed slamming his fist on the table causing her to flinch.

A tear rolled down her cheek and he cupped her cheek wiping it away"noona I could treat so much better than Taehyung"she glared at him and he grabbed her hair making her whimper in pain"answer me you bitch why not me"

His hand on her hair got tighter and she cried out making him mad"shut up you bitch"he screamed slapping her and pacing around"yah Tae-song-ah"both of them looked up to see Taehyung.

"Damn it I forgot to lock the backdoor your a smart one huh"Taehyung clenched his jaw punching him"you fucker"Tae-song punched back and Taehyung fell to the ground hitting his head on the table leg and memories came flashing back.

He widened his eyes standing up"you motherfucker now I get more motivation to wanna kill you"Taehyung said smirking throwing a punch causing him to fall on the ground and he got ontop of him punching him repeatedly but unfortunately Tae-song flipped them over and started hitting him.

Jennie was able to remove the tape and cried her eyes out begging Tae-song to stop"yah stop leave him please"the ladder stared at her and smirked standing up and walking to her"i'll stop if you tell me you love me"she spit on his face"never you asshole"

He wiped it away and started untying the ropes and wrapped his arm around her throat pointing the gun at Taehyung"say goodbye to your lover then"Jennie screamed trying to get away from his grip"put your gun down young man"he groaned seeing the cops pointing their gun at him.

But he smirked placing the gun on her head"no"Taehyung said groaning in pain"don't do that"Tae-song pressed it harder causing her to scream in pain"n-no it's alright love your fine"Taehyung calmed her down and she sobbed.

"Put your gun down or else"he cursed throwing Jennie on the ground and tried running away but got circled"damn it"Woo shik came in smirking"so that's why you borrowed my phone that day you said goodbye to me at the airport you were planning on this a few days ago"

Taehyung hugged Jennie in his arms and she cried"shh baby your fine now your okay"he caressed her hair and she wrapped her arms around his neck"you two okay?"Seo joon said looking worriedly at the two"oh my baby are you okay"

Jennie ran in her mother's arms sobbing"shh baby mommy is here"another person joined their hug and Jennie glanced to see a man who seemed familiar"hey my princess"she widened her eyes hugging him"appa"



Soooo how do we feel hehe

Anyways tell me what you think?

I <3 YOU

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