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Chapter 18: Daegu

She smiled enjoying the fresh air of Daegu"isn't this so nice? I haven't been here in so long"he glanced at her"Daegu is your hometown?"she nodded closing her eyes.

"I haven't been here since ten years"he nodded placing his hands in the pockets of his pants and walking behind her backhugging her"i didn't know me and you lived in the same hometown is it perhaps fate"

She giggled facing him and wrapped her arms around his neck"maybe"he nodded smiling and pulled her in a sweet kiss which caused butterflies to rush into her stomach.

"Let's go eat I'm hungry"he laughed at her pouting and held her hand"shall we my love"


"Ji-won"Seo joon smiled seeing her approaching him"welcome back to Korea"she sadly smiled and he knew if Jennie saw her back here she won't be so happy.

"Let's go"he said grabbing her suitcase from her hand"does she know..that You know me"he looked at her"no I don't think she'll be happy about that either"

Ji-won sighed pulling her phone out and dialed a number"hello sweetheart it's been a while"she rolled her eyes hearing his raspy and drunk voice..as usual.

"We need to talk and I'm not asking you better show up I'll send you the address"Seo joon stopped walking when she hung up"is that-"

She stopped as well looking at him"yes it's Jennie's dad"he placed his hand on her shoulder"Ji-won you know Jennie won't be happy knowing her father who left her when she was five is a drunkard jerk because what I remember is you told her he just left because he's busy with work"

She hid her face in her hands"I want her to know the truth Seo joon before it's too late"


"Why is the mention of Daegu such a bother to you"he looked at her as they walked hand in hand back to their hotel room"i just don't miss home"

A smile appeared on her lips"trust me I don't either"he smiled at her and now knew how much they had in common and both have dark pasts which they'd like to keep to themselves.

"Was our hotel room opened the whole time didn't you lock it"he snapped out of his thoughts when she panicked"I locked it"they both looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Jen wait-"he said but she already entered and he followed inside"oh my god"he pulled Jennie into his chest staring at the bloody message on the mirror and the room messy.


"What are they looking for"Taehyung said pacing around while Jennie sat on the bed biting on her nails"first your apartment now the hotel room"

He stopped and looked at her"thats it they're trying to look for something you own but what is it"his eyes caught her shaking and he crouched down looking in her eyes.

"Love you wanna go somewhere else"she nodded hugging him shedding tears and he wrapped his arms around her patting her back and rubbing it softly to calm her down.


He backhugged her as they stared at the nightsky"are you cold?"Taehyung said kissing her cheek"no I'm okay"her gummy smile made him happy to know she's now okay in his arms.

"Do you like the place?"she nodded facing him and he pulled her closer wrapping his arms around her waist"yeah it's pretty it gave so you vibes"he chuckled at her comment.

She stroked his cheek leaning her forehead against his"i love you Taehyung"he stared at her eyes and slowly looked down at her lips biting his.

"I love you too Jennie Kim"she smiled attaching their lips together and it got heated when his tongue entered her mouth fighting with hers for dominance.

He tapped her butt and she jumped wrapping her legs around his torso and he walked inside the house pinning her on the wall"fuck you make me lose control"she smirked tracing her hand down his covered chest to his abs.

"Are you gonna make me wait"he smirked smashing his lips on hers aggressively while his hand roamed around her body and cupped her chest.

"Ah~"when he squeezed her perky hard nipples"you like that?"she nodded arching her back when he sucked her neck leaving hickeys to mark her as his.

He ripped her shirt and he licked his lips seeing the view in front of him"i don't think I'll be gentle today love"



It's been a while😅

Anyways here it is and also yes Jennie and V have done it before they came to Daegu when she comforted him and this is their second time😏😏

I <3 YOU

I might update tomorrow because I'm currently very motivated and it's been so long since I've been actually motivated to write a ff😅

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