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Chapter 11: Help

Jennie walked through the company building finally resting from the Seoul concert Taehyung had as soon as they came back to Korea.

She's also been receiving a lot of flower bouquets with cards written on it every time,and each one was the same as the first one and it's starting to bother her.

"Come in"she heard and opened the door entering the pd nim Seo-joon's office bowing"Jennie-ah sit down"she smiled.

He leaned back in his chair holding a file in his hand signaling for her to take and she did opening it and found a profile of a handsome looking boy who seemed to be in his 20s.

"Woo shik will be taking over as Taehyung's manager for a few days while you try to get me this boy to join our agency and become an actor"

Jennie nodded looking at the information of the boy which seemed really interesting to her.

Full name: Kim Tae-song.

Age: 23 years old.

Nationality: Korea,Seoul.

Family: lives with his grandma.

Current work: at a pork belly restaurant as a cook.

Studied in: Seoul high school,Seoul university(scholarship).

"Woo shik will also accompany Taehyung to his photoshoot while you try and convince this young man"


She entered the PR team office and they smiled greeting her"welcome our Jennie-ah how are you feeling today"

She glanced at the PR team leader and giggled shuffling through some documents she left before leaving to the pd nim's office"I'm doing amazing what about you guys how are you holding up with the rumors"

They groaned rolling their eyes and she found it cute how they did that in sync"well good luck PR team fighting"she cheered grabbing the stacked papers and left the office.

Her next destination was the break room,her favorite place"this needs some coffee"while making her hot coffee she could feel a pair of eyes on her so she turned around to find Taehyung so close to her.

"Taehyung-shi you scared me"he snorted walking even closer and she leaned her back on the counter remembering what happened the last time she let herself go and regretted it.

He glared turning his back on her and walked away leaving her speechless"he's still mad"

Well obviously when Kim Taehyung the famous idol and actor gets rejected by someome,a girl especially his manager it angered and hurt him but he only showed one feeling..Anger.


Woo shik watched how the boy kept his head leaned back with his eyes closed the whole ride and it wasn't the usual Taehyung,it felt weird.

"Yah Kim Taehyung"he hummed and the older rolled his eyes tapping his leg and then focused back on the street"what's wrong with you? If someone sees you they'll think you went through a break up"Woo shik joked laughing.

When the boy didn't laugh his eyes widened"wait you didn't right?"Taehyung shook his head opening his eyes and smiled"it's nothing just tired"but that was a lie.

A week ago (LA):

Jennie widened her eyes when she realized her actions and pushed Taehyung away"no we shouldn't be doing this"

He frowned approaching her"you can't deny your feelings"she clenched her fists not wanting to admit her feelings"no I don't like you I just kissed you so that I don't break your heart but don't get too confident in yourself this was my first kiss so I also wanted to know how it feels"she yelled glaring at him who felt heartbroken.

He snorted his eyes filled with hatred"fine Kim Jennie but I'll make you regret this"with that he left the room and she sighed feeling guilty of what she's done.


Jennie unlocked her apartment door and opened her arms smiling"home sweet home"the barks of her dogs made her giggle.

"Aww my babies did you miss mommy"but the two dogs only stared behind her and she furrowed her eyebrows"what is it babies"

Slowly she turned and faced a tall person wearing a black mask she let out a deadly scream and ran to her room locking it but the person banged the door and her tears of fear fell.

She quickly grabbed her phone from her pocket dialing a number"hello"the person was silent"please help me"her cries worried him.

"Jennie what's wrong"her eyes couldn't stop letting the tears flow"Taehyung help me th-there's someone in my apartment please help"

"Jennie hide I'll be right there it's okay everything will be fine"she nodded sobbing,the banging suddenly stopped and she relaxed her body.

But..her eyes watched as half a knife entered through the wooden door and she screamed"no please help"

Police sirens were heard and she knew Taehyung must have called them,the person retrieved the knife and ran out of the apartment.

Her legs felt weak and she crouched to the floor hugging herself,her phone buzzed and she hoped it was Taehyung but unfortunately it wasnt.

Did you like my visit Jennie-ah :)
                                  - UNKNOWN

She felt her head spinning around and her body dropped on the ground"Jennie..Jennie"


Hello loves <3

How's it going?

How do we feel about Taehyung and Jennie?

Jennie will be seperated from Taehyung for a while what do we think about that?

If you've watched the kdram 'sh**ting stars' you'll know from where I got the name of Tae-Song.

Don't worry there will be Taennie moments😏

How do we feel about this mysterious creepy person?

I <3 YOU


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