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Chapter 8: Not a game

Jennie yawned as she exited her hotel room and walked over to Taehyung's to wake him up since today is the last day of his concert in Japan.

She knocked and it took a while until he opened the door"it's your last day in Japan so you can finish the concert and go out for the last time because tomorrow we'll be leaving to the airport early as your concert in LA is next"

He nodded tidying up his room a bit"alright I'm ready"Jennie glanced at him and stood up.

"Let's go"before she could walk away he grabbed her wrist pulling her body close to his"will I get a kiss first"

Her eyes widened and she gasped"Taehyung what are you talking about"he laughed stroking her cheek"I'm kidding manager Kim"

She pulled away anger evident on her face"I'm not a game for you to mess around with Kim Taehyung"with that she stormed out and he sighed kicking a chair down.

"I didn't mean that"


"Taehyung come on five minutes and last day will start"he nodded looking around"where is my manager"

He asked one of the staff"I saw her head outside from the back"he sighed bowing and then walked outside to find her smoking.

"Smoking is bad for you"she glanced at him and rolled her eyes"i don't smoke usually but I needed one"he leaned on the railing looking at her side profile.

"It's not what I meant I just wanted to make you smile in the morning"she looked at him throwing the cigarette"it's okay just don't do that again"

He smiled his boxy smile and she laughed"i finally made you smile"she smacked his arm"you know you should definitely try modeling you have such a pretty side profile and a perfect body"

She blushed at his compliments"i think I like my job like this better"he scrunched his nose"why don't you like it"

She smiled"I don't like the attention or fame it always comes with a cost"he nodded agreeing with her opinion.

"Let's go your starting soon"he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and smiled"let's go m'lady"


Inner child by V (Translated to English)

Then we
It was very hard
The stars in the sky so far away

ooking up

You at that time
I don't believe in the milky way
But I've seen
Silver galaxy

Would be sick
It must have been so hard
Endless light
Chasing I ran

The beautiful sea and the air of that summer day
The sound of the gray street that was too cold
I take a breath and knock on your door
We gon' change
We gon' change
We gon' change
We gon' change
We gon' change

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