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Chapter 14: Jealousy

Jennie slowly opened her eyes to be met with his sleeping figure,she faced him and watched as he slept with a pout on his face and his arms wrapped around her waist.

She flinched when his eyes opened and a smile crept on his face seeing her still laying next to him"good morning"

She couldn't help but smile"good morning"they stared in each other's eyes for a while which felt like an eternity before Jennie cleared her throat sitting up on the soft mattress.

"I'll get going now I have to get ready for work"he nodded"are you still trying to convince that boy"her phone rang and she grabbed it seeing a text message from Tae song.

'I have made a decision I will join your company as an actor on one condition that your my manager' when she smiled Taehyung sat up looking at her phone and rolled his eyes seeing another man's name.

"Is that him"she nodded standing up"i'll get going make sure to get ready and eat breakfast Woo shik oppa is gonna be here soon"


Jennie smiled when he entered the company building wearing comfortable dark blue pants qnd a white shirt with a black-grey cardigan over it.

"You seem like an expert in fashion that will be something good for your career"he smiled feelings his cheeks flush at her compliment"thank you"

"Let's go pd nim is very excited to meet you"he nodded following her to the elevator"have you ate breakfast"he shook his head and she smiled.

"Alright then after we're done I'll take you out to eat breakfast"he bowed thanking her and she found his shyness cute.

Once they stood in front of the door,Jennie knocked and received a welcoming"good morning pd nim"the man smiled seeing her enter with a handsome boy.

Jennie found Taehyung sitting on the couch with Woo shik next to him and she watched how he examined the boy rolling his eyes.

"This is Tae song our new actor"Seo Joon shook hands with him signaling him to sit down"pd nim he will be an actor as long as I'm his manger"

Taehyung cleared his throat glaring at Jennie"aren't you my manager"she met his eyes and smiled.

"Well it's not a crime to be two people's manager right pd nim?"he nodded and Taehyung poked his inner cheek with his tongue"but it'll tire you"

"It's alright I can handle it"the man smiled at her feeling happy with hiring her"come on Taehyung-ah we have a busy schedule"

Jennie and Taehyung made eye contact,the tension growing each step he took"see you tomorrow manager Kim"


Tae song hesitated not wanting to make her uncomfortable"noona?"she hummed still looking outside the window of the restaurant.

"Are you and Taehyung seonbae-nim uh together?"she swiftly looked at him with her mouth open"w-what heh no I'm just his manager"

He nodded fiddling with his fingers"you guys seem pretty close"she nodded taking a sip of her coffee"we'll become even closer too and you two will get along since I'll be taking you both with me but I'll put Woo shik oppa in my place when Taehyung has a very busy schedule if that's alright"

He nodded flashing a smile"it's gonna be fun working with you noona"


Taehyung stared at the text he received clenching his fists,it angered him because no one knows except for Woo shik and Seo Joon not even Jennie knows and he's not ready to open up yet.

'your not the only one who has mommy and daddy issues' -UNKNOWN

He got startled when someone knocked on his door and he stood up from the couch walking towards the apartment door.

He opened it and Jennie stood there with a bag of snacks and soju"may I come in"he smiled feeling his mood getting better at her arrival.

They sat down in the kitchen placing the stuff on the table and sat down on the chairs"I dare you to chug three in a row"Jennie said giggling afterwards.

"You seriously want me to be drunk come on let me get you to my bed"he said holding his hand for her but she stood and wrapped her arms around his neck while her legs hugged his torso.

She snuggled her face in his neck and he smiled"come on"he held her tight so she doesn't fall and walked upstairs inside his bedroom.

She giggled when he layed her on the bed gently"Taetae sleep necsht tooo meew I scared"he smiled at her drunk language"fine but don't punch me in the morning"

She opened her arms nodding and he frowned"come on hug me"his cheeks turned red and his heart skipped a beat"w-what"

"Taehyung don't make me mad"she whined and he gulped laying on top of her,her arms hugged his muscular body.

"Jennie"she hummed closing her eyes feeling sleepy and dizzy because of how much she drank.

"I like you can you please do the same"


Hello loves <3

Second update how do you like it😏😏

I'm honestly enjoying this and I hope you are😘

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I <3 YOU

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I also recommend this y'all should srsly check it out it's amazing I'm very invested in this❤

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