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EDITED: Something came up but here you go loves <3


Chapter 9: LOS ANGELES (LA)

Screams filled the airport as Taehyung walked in with Jennie,she knew by now Taehyung had more international fans than Korean ones and especially the americans.

"Taehyung will you collab with any american artists?"a paparazzi asked but Taehyung couldn't answer due to the crowd which bothered him as he'd like to walk comfortably without being squashed.

As Jennie tried helping him pass,a few people pushed her and she stumbled almost falling but Taehyung was quick to catch her waist and pull her by his side"are you okay"

She nodded giving him a smile,he sighed letting her go"Please everyone if you really wish for my safety it'd be amazing if you could make way so I can pass without being touched inappropriately"

The way he spoke in fluent English made Jennie blush how he wasn't afraid to tell his own fans what he felt"and please you need to respect my manager I will not allow you to injure her just so you could take a pic or see me I would not appreciate it or be happy thank you everyone and I hope to see you at the concert"

With that he grabbed Jennie's hand and they walked through the crowd out to the van parked for them"I'm not sure your fans really respect you"he let out a laugh nodding his head.

"Did someone really touch you inappropriately?"he nodded signaling to his crotch and she gasped"that's sexual harassment"her reaction made him laugh.

"Trust me it's nothing let's just go to my house I'm tired"she nodded turning the engine on and driving off.


Jennie could only could get three words out of her mouth as they entered Taehyung's LA mansion"WOW"

He chuckled at her cute reaction and her shiny eyes that looked up at the crystal ceiling that her reflection could be seen in.

"Do you like it"he got his answer when she nodded uncontrollably smiling and his laugh echoed the room as he patted her head.

She gasped when saw the gold shiny chandelier and ran under it admiring the design"cute"he mumbled looking down at his feet smiling.

"What do you want me to make for lunch"she locked her eyes with his"y-your gonna make food"he frowned.

"Are you doubting my cooking skills manager Kim"she tried not to laugh and he placed his hands on his hips raising an eyebrow at her"no not at all your highness"

He smiled burying his hands in his pockets and walked towards her"i'll cook you something special"she looked away blushing while he headed towards the kitchen.

"I'm going crazy"


Next morning

"Five minutes till concert starts Taehyung warm up"Jennie glanced at him who stretched his body knowing he jumps a lot at the excitement of his fans.

"Good luck"he flashed her a smile then closed his eyes taking a deep breath"don't be nervous your doing amazing trust me it won't do you good tiring yourself"

Her words made him open his eyes and face her"Jennie Kim what did I do to deserve you"they just stared in each other's eyes like the whole world disappeared and it was just them alone together.

He inched closer to her and she felt her heart beat faster than normal,she wanted to move but her body was frozen jn place.

He raised his hand to cup her face but"Taehyung come on get out there"one of the staff interrupted their special moment and they looked away awkwardly"good luck Taehyung-shi"

"Helloooooo Los Angeles"screams from all around the auditorium was heard and it startled Jennie who was out of it thinking about what just happened between them minutes ago.

"Jennie you can never feel that way for him never ever"she reminded herself of who he was and how it wouldn't work no matter what,he was an idol with crazy fans while she was just a normal girl.


Jennie looked confusingly at the flower bouquet one of the staff gave her and now noticed the little card in it"is this for Taehyung-shi"

Welcome to the world of idol life Jennie hope you can be able to handle what's coming for you good luck ;) -UNKNOWN
                    To: Jennie Kim

She was not really understanding what it meant,was it a nice thing or was it a threat?"but the flowers are a kind gesture hmm maybe they mean it in a welcoming way..I guess"

She smelled the flowers and it brought a smile upon her face"how nice red roses"she left them on the table in the dressing room and went to watch Taehyung perform.

But she would never except what this little card that she thought of a nice welcome would turn into.




Hello loves <3

I know it's a short one but don't worry tomorrow I'll update and the fun starts😏

How do we feel about this chapter?💚


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I <3 YOU


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