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Chapter 12: "are you two dating?"

Jennie looked around at the few shops and her eyes lit up when found the one she's searching for and the girly screams surprised her"omo he's so handsome"

She watched as the girls gawked over someone and decided to ask about the boy she's looking for"hello girls"the three young ladies smiled at her bowing.

"Do you perhaps know the guy who works here by the name Tae-Song"the three girls nodded pointing and Jennie looked to see him serving a table.

"Alright thank you enjoy your meal and have a great day"she said bowing and walked towards the tall handsome young man"annyeonghaseyo"

He faced her and gave a charming smile"hello welcome how may I help you"she pulled a card from her purse and handed it to him causing him to be confused.

"I'm Jennie Kim a manager from Star focre entertainment and I was hoping I could speak with you"he read the card then diverted his attention to her.


Taehyung bowed to all the staff and greeted the photographer then headed to his dressing room still not informed of who his modeling partner is.

"Hyung who is the special guest how come I don't know who yet"Woo shik smiled patting him on his shoulder"you will soon"

And on cue the door opened and two people entered"hello Taehyung-shi"he just stared shocked and surprised.


"I know this is really confusing"he looked at her as they walked side by side in the park near the restaurant"if you want me as a manager I'd be happy to"

Jennie giggled and stopped walking"no but we do want you for something way much better..I think"he looked at her with confusion and she sighed.

"Basically we want you to be an actor at our company"he widened his eyes"m-me?"she nodded and he ruffled his hair.

"I'm sorry Jennie-shi but I'm not really interested in being an actor I like my job"he walked away but she grabbed his wrist and he faced her"please..just think about it"


Taehyung walked inside the building and all the employees bowed"is Seo Joon hyung in his office"the flushed receptionist nodded and he flashed her a wink heading inside the elevator.

He knocked and the man welcomed him in"Taehyung-ah our star how are you doing I see you dyed your hair black"the boy nodded laying on the couch with a groan.

"Where is my manager"Seo joon crossed his arms looking out the Window"Woo shik is-","no I mean my real manager Jennie"

He smiled and turned to Taehyung"she has a mission right now so until she finishes it Woo shik will be your manager"he laughed when the star rolled his eyes.

"How was your photoshoot with-"before he could continue Taehyung's phone rang"one second pd nim"he said sitting up.

"Ah Namjoon hyung"he greeted the older"Taehyung-ah I need your help"


"Thank you for the help"Jennie bit her lip looking around her new apartment with her hands placed on her hips"hm..where should I start"

Taehyung thought that it's best if she moved in the same building as him for her safety"do you like our new home babies"

She giggled when the two little puppies jumped around wiggling their tails"let's start with your room fine"

A knock on the door interrupted her moment with her two dogs and she frowned"I just moved is someone already welcoming me"

She walked to the front door opening it to not find a single soul,her heart started beating uncontrollably fearing it will happen again but Kuma barked next her and she looked down to see a flower bouquet.

New apartment doesn't mean I won't pay you a visit be careful from your surroundings BITCH :) -UNKNOWN
                                 To: Kim Jennie


Rumors spread like always and it wasn't his first dating scandal but it shocked people since they've had many moments and interactions lately.

Jennie stared at the article and felt tears form in her eyes,she grabbed her phone wanting to know the truth she deserves to"hello"

She bit her lip preventing the tears from streaming down"is it true"he stayed silent for a while"what are you talking about"

Jennie clenched her fists and tears slowly rolled down her cheeks"are you two really dating? Did you play with me while you were dating her"

He snorted"so what if I am?"she let out a sad laugh"your right I have no business in this I'm just your manager"it went quiet her heart felt like it was shattering into pieces he caused.

"Congratulations to you and Kim Jisoo"



Hello loves <3

Sooooo..what do we think?

I know it's short but I might double update tomorrow😉

Now y'all understand the title I was hoping I'd trick you into thinking it's about Jennie and Taehyung did you get tricked?😂

I <3 YOU

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