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Chapter 27: Merry Christmas

"Merry Christmas"everyone cheered as they sat around the table"soon our Taehyung-ie's birthday is coming let's not forget"they all laughed.

"Taehyung's older than Jennie in 16 days wow"Irene said after Jennie whispered to her when his birthday is"woah really Jennie then I must do something special"her eyes couldn't look away from his and a smile appeared on her lips.


A year ago(Christmas eve the day before visiting Busan)

"Jennie your birthday is coming soon,do I need to prepare anything specific"Taehyung said wrapping his arms around Jennie's waist,she laughed tugging at the hem of his shirt.

"What I want is you with me everything would be perfect and the best gift ever"he smiled caressing her cheek"and I have the perfect gift for you"she said winking at him.

He raised his eyebrows"mmm..I can't wait to find out what it is,how about you give me a nice gift now as well"she rolled her eyes grabbing his collar and pulled him in a deep passionate kiss.


A hand waving in her face snapped her out of her thoughts and she glanced beside her to see Taehyung with a smile on his face"you okay?"she nodded smiling.

"Alright everyone let's start with giving the gifts,so everyone grab the gift you brought and sit down"Seo joon announced and they all obeyed.

"Irene let's start with you"the ladder stood up walking up to Woo shik and he smiled"oh mine? Thank you"she bowed running off to Nayeon who kept teasing her.

Woo shik's eyes lit up as a Rolex watch came to his view"oh my god thank you Irene I needed this"she smiled and Nayeon looked at her weirdly whispering"who are you"

It passed and passed until two left"how sweet you both got each other a gift open them"Taehyung and Jennie smiled at each other before digging in the bags.

Taehyung pulled out a jewelry box and opened it to find a"its the same as your necklace so pretty now we're matching"she nodded sadly smiling"open mine"

She pulled a jewelry box as well and opened it"oh wow it's beautiful"he smiled gesturing to his hand"i have the same one"she looked down at his hand and found the bracelet"it's the same brand both foundrae"

She pulled a jewelry box as well and opened it"oh wow it's beautiful"he smiled gesturing to his hand"i have the same one"she looked down at his hand and found the bracelet"it's the same brand both foundrae"

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(The bracelet Taehyung got her and he also owns)

(The bracelet Taehyung got her and he also owns)

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(The necklace she got him and also owns)

"Thanks Jen"she smiled looking away from him which confused him,was she upset with him?Did she not like the gift"I'll be right back"he watched her exit the restaurant.


Jennie crouched down crying"Damn it he keeps on doing everything he promised he'd do for me"her sobs filled the empty street as she remembered all his promises which made her fall in love with him even more.

"You okay?"hearing his voice she couldn't but sob even more"why? Why are you doing this to me"he frowned and she looked at him"bring him back,bring the old Taehyung back the one who remembered me and told me how he loved me and promised me so many things bring the man I love back please I beg you please remember me"

His hands reached out to hug her but he hesitated"see Taehyung would have never hesitated to hug me"his expression softened and he was about to speak but"Jen you okay? What's wrong"Tae-song pulled her in his arms as she sobbed.

For some reason Taehyung clenched his fist and the way he touched her bothered him"hyung I'll take her home you go in"he looked at them for a while before standing up and catching up to them"no Tae-song-ah it's okay I wanna go home too so I'll take her"


"Thanks for bringing me home"he nodded and she awkwardly turned around walking to her apartment door but"Jennie"she turned around and he immediately grabbed her by her waist smashing his lips on hers.

Her eyes widened but she wrapped her arms around his neck kissing back and they stumbled back"I know that I don't remember us but why don't you help me remember huh"he whispered cupping her cheeks and she nodded sobbing.

"Can I stay over"she giggled wiping her tears and held his hand"I'd love that"he smiled and she unlocked the door and they both entered hearing her two dogs bark jumping excitedly.

The boy outside dropped his gift as he watched Taehyung close the door with his leg as him and Jennie kissed passionately"I've lost my chance"he mumbled looking down.


I will make sure your never happy Kim Taehyung :) -UNKNOWN

Jennie hugged him yawning and he smiled placing his phone on the nightstand"did you sleep well"she nodded pouting and he laughed pecking her lips.

Her phone pinged and she groaned grabbing it seeing a message from Woo Shik"that's weird I thought he was going to spend today with his family"

Jennie meet me at 6PM near the restaurant Tae-song used to work at :) -Woo Shik



Yes I finally posted and now things are gonna get quite interesting.I think we know who the UNKNOWN is right?😅

Anyways prepare for the next one😏


I <3 YOU

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